openSuse 11.4 + Gnome 3 (upgraded from oneclick install).
a couple of ago i ran zypper update and there were some updates available for chromium (and a few other things). I installed them, did some work in libreoffice (dint use chromium then) and turned the computer off.
Tday i needed to do some web surfing, so boot up my computer, launch chromium and get the following message (i translated it from spanish as i use the spanish version of opensuse)…
Failed to launch <<Chromium web browser>>
Failure executing child process <<chromium>> (The specified file or folder doesnt exsists)
Before the “update” chromium worked perfectly. Now it doesnt even start.
Any idea of what might have went wrong, or how can i fix it?
It appears the update failed to install the bin file. I solved the problem by going to YaST>Software Management and forcing install (N.B. YaST had it registered as installed.)
To solve this issue simply adjust the shortcut to the application like this:
for 32 bit system, Chromium is located here /usr/lib/chromium
for 64 bit system, Chromium is located here /usr/lib64/chromium
Choose from one of the executables when adjusting the shortcut: chromium chromium-generic chromium-kde
For me as a KDE user, chromium-kde works to start the browser; i may work under a Gtk medium as well
thanks for your answers.
I just went to add remove programs, and reinstalled chromium, and now it works perfectly.
I dunno if it corrected the shortcut, installed a missing file, or what. But it works now.
Before even if i tried to launch it from a terminal, or by the ALT+F2 dialog it dint work.
But problem is solved now