When I updated last evening, firefox stopped playing some videos.
This morning, I checked and “libavcodec58” was now available in packman.
So: Yast Software Management
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That switched libavcodec58 and three others. After that (and after restarting “firefox”), it seems to play videos again. And “chromium” and “vivaldi” both seem okay. But “opera” still won’t play them.
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…
Package ‘libavcodec58’ is not available in your repositories. Cannot reinstall, upgrade, or downgrade.
Resolving package dependencies…
Nothing to do.
It is not in my Packman repo for 42.3
I reinstalled Chromium and video stopped working as soon as it installed. The removal got the video going again - I will check again tomorrow to see if it made it to my Packman
I did not pay careful attention to the openSUSE version you are using. I’m on Leap 15.0, where that package is available. I do not know if it will become available for 42.3. I think there’s a packman mailing list for such questions.
15.0: succeeded for x86_64 (so, wait for an update of your mirror)
42.3: unresolvable: nothing provides libmysofa-devel, nothing provides
pkgconfig(libopenmpt), nothing provides pkgconfig(srt),
nothing provides pkgconfig(ffnvcodec)
at the moment 42.3 users don’t have a choice if they keep ffmpeg4 installed neither chromium nor firefox will play restricted formats
maybe it’s time for an upgrade to 15.0
So currently there is no way to play videos\Netflix\Spority in Chromium? I received some updates today to libavcodec58 but no luck. I’m currently using Chrome instead of Chromium to play Facebook videos, Netflix, Spotify, etc.