Chromium Pepperflash-plugin

Hi…I’m running openSUSE 13.1 and have the Chromium browser installed. I like to listen to Pandora (which needs Adobe’s Flash Player) while I’m on my computer and need to install the Chromium Pepperflash-plugin in order to get Pandora to work. Chromium doesn’t support Adobe’s Flash any more. I’d appreciate receiving help in getting Pepperflash installed. I’ve searched the Chromium website, have searched Google, and have searched this forum and can find no way to install this plugin in openSUSE 13.1. Hence, my question on this forum. Thanks for any help.

Add the Packman repo in YaST->Software Repositories->Add->Community Repositories, then you should find “chromium-pepper-flash” in YaST->Software Management.

One note though:
If you are already using the VLC repo, you should remove it and install VLC from Packman instead (it’s the same version anyway).
Having both repos will break your VLC (and other multimedia stuff) sooner or later… (and everything from there is available in Packman anyway, except vlc-beta)

I got it installed. Yea! Many thanks for your help. So much appreciated. I’m listening to Pandora in Chromium on openSUSE 13.1 as I type this. Thanks again. There was 28 packages to download and install to get this plugin to function. Interesting how large it seems to be.

You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

There was 28 packages to download and install to get this plugin to function. Interesting how large it seems to be.

No, that was not for chromium-pepper-flash AFAICS. Its dependencies are only for stuff that should be installed by default anyway (except for chromium itself of course).

Likely those were some other recommended packages that got installed now.