Cheese video capture hangs on my netbook

I am trying to record a test video with my built-in webcam, using Cheese. However, after I click “Start recording,” the Cheese screen turns black, and Cheese seems to hang. I can click “Stop recording” sometimes – then I get a split-second video clip. But mostly it just hangs until I force quit.

I’m on an Asus 900HA. I could record video clips on using eeebuntu and Cheese. Is there a setting I need to check?

Thanks in advance.

If you have desktop effects enabled, try turning them off

Thanks, caf4926. Do you mean the KDE plasma netbook desktop? They are not enabled. I am using Gnome.

Gnome has desktop effects too

Oh – ok, found them. They were already disabled. I wonder if it’s my tiny Atom processor that’s having trouble. I have 2gb of RAM, but my netbook may simply have trouble running openSuse and video capture at the same time. Does that sound reasonable?

No it doesn’t sound reasonable. I would expect it to be possible.

Try this: open a terminal and start it running top
(Just type top and hit enter)

Put the terminal where you will be able to view it but without it obscuring the cheese application view, now right click the topbar of the terminal and make it always on top. That should mean you can always view it. Now start cheese, note if there is any real jump in cpu use and what cheese is eating up, now start the video capture and note what you see in the terminal.

%cpu devoted to Cheese goes up to 189. Yikes! Does that sound appropriate? Or “fixable”?

Think about it 189/100 …Ummm

Please post result of this from a terminal:

zypper lr -d

i have the same problem on my netbook cheese just crashes but I can get my webcam to work using wx webcam application hope this helps.

regards pete