changing underlying compilers (OpenMPI)

I am getting ready to build some software and just installed the intel compilers. Things got setup apparently correctly, except for references to the OpenMPI wrapper programs mpif90, etc., which are the default opensuse 12.1 x64 versions

Sourcing INTEL Compilers...
Done sourcing INTEL Compilers.
Computer programmers do it byte by byte
patti@TYAN-III:~> whereis icpc
icpc: /opt/intel/bin/icpc
patti@TYAN-III:~> whereis icc
icc: /usr/include/icc34.h /opt/intel/bin/icc
patti@TYAN-III:~> whereis openmpi
patti@TYAN-III:~> whereis mpif90
mpif90: /usr/bin/mpif90 /usr/bin/X11/mpif90
patti@TYAN-III:~> which mpif90

The intel compilers MPI options doesn’t show up in “mpi-selector-menu” - I assume the fix is to download and build OpenMPI with the intel compilers then prepend the $PATH to the location of the new OpenMPI (and the $LD_LIBRARY_PATH). If there’s some system file (which supplies info to ‘whereis’ and ‘which’) that I knew about and could modify - would that be a more reliable way to accomplish this switch?
thanks, patti

I am not that fluent with *whereis, *but which uses the PATH variable in the same way as bash, as you could have found in man which:

Which takes one or more arguments. For each of its arguments it prints to stdout the full path of the executables that would have been executed when this argument had been entered at the shell prompt. It does this by searching for an executable or script in the directories listed in the environment variable PATH using the same algorithm as bash(1).

I’m just looking for all the ways that the system might try to use the wrong compiler (I was just showing my relative shallow depth of knowledge with the mpif90 example) - scientists wrote this software, so it’s quite likely some system or configuration rules were broken during coding. :wink:

For my part, I know very little about these things! Intel Parallel Studio, despite having “parallel” in its name, does not appear to include any flavor of MPI*