changing graphic card to nvidia

I want to change my graphic card on my 12.1 desktop (not laptop) from radeon (fglrx) to nvidia.

is the recommended procedure still

  • booting to runlevel 3
  • running Xorg -configure

which driver would be best to choose?
would the nvidia driver provide the best performance? including HW acceleration and 3D?

I would recommend:

  • uninstall the fglrx driver.
  • run YaST->Software Repositories, click on “Add”, select “Community Repositories” and add the NVIDIA repo.
  • run YaST->Software Management and install the correct nvidia driver packages for your card
  • reboot
    You can do that just fine in a running graphical environment. The installation should take care of everything necessary to switch to the nvidia driver.
    See also here:
    SDB:NVIDIA - openSUSE Wiki

which driver would be best to choose?


would the nvidia driver provide the best performance? including HW acceleration and 3D?


Thank You very much wolfi!

I was afraid of the problem that might occur changing adapter, especially brand. Went from AMD 5450
to Gigabyte GT 630 on Opensuse 12.3 (3.7.10-1.16), and followed Your instructions above worked perfectly.
Thanks a lot!