Changing file associations to banshee for .ogg files


I use 0penSuse 11.0 with gnome.

I want to open .ogg-files by double-click with banshee (0.13.2).
But when I click on them only banshee opens but does not play anything.
I can start banshee first and than choose and open the .ogg out of banshee’s menu - so banshee can pay ogg-files generally.:
(I can choose rhythmbox/vlc ect. instead of banshee but I like looking at big covers when the music plays…;))

So I think I have to alter the “open with” preferences (associations, bindings) with a right-click on a ogg-file and than choose not the “banshee”-icon but search the right program manually.
What application/path do I have to choose
to to open .ogg-files by double-click with banshee?
Or what command do I have to type not only to start banshee but also to add the ogg-file to the banshee’s playing-list?

Thanks a lot,

You want File associations which is under desktop settings and under Configure settings in Konqueror among other things.

Thanks to john_hudson
for your reply on yesterday evening/night.

But under gnome I have (by default) installed Nautilus instead of Konqueror.

In gnome’s Nautilus you can change the “open with” preferences (associations, bindings) for all *.xy files with a right-click on a *.xy-file (like described). The problem had been that I could choose there the icon “banshee” for *.ogg files in that preferences but when I click on a *.ogg file only banshee opens but does not play anything.

I had been asking for a command or a path to a program/database/lib ect. not only to run banshee but also to ad the double-clicked *.ogg file to the actual play list (“Local Queue”) in order to play it. Maybe I can find the answer to that question in any/banshee’s man-files.

But thanks anyway: After I had been running a different profile and changed once the “Preferred Applications” for multimedia in the Control Center from totem to benshee (and maybe done something else I do not remember):
Now (by miracle? ;-)) I can play .ogg-files with banshee (0.13.2) by double-clicking on them.

Greetings to West Yorkshire

The problem is solved for me
but I am still curious about the right command to ad a double-clicked file to banshee’s actual playing list. (I want to lean a little bit more about linux/opensuse so I can solve the next problem not just by chance.)

I could not find any manualpages or infosides belonging to banshee. Only this “–help”-file under the command line:
"…]banshee --help
Usage: banshee options … ]
where options include:

–enqueue <files> Files to enqueue, must be last argument specified
–show Show window
–hide Hide window
–next Play next song
–previous Play previous song
–toggle-playing Toggle playing of current song
–play Play current song
–pause Pause current song
–shutdown Shutdown Banshee
–query-artist Get artist name for current playing song
–query-album Get album name for current playing song
–query-title Get track title for current playing song
–query-genre Get track genre for current playing song
–query-duration Get duration of current playing song in seconds
–query-position Get position of current playing song in seconds
–query-rating Get track rating for current playing song
–set-rating Set track rating for current playing song
–query-uri Get URI of current playing song
–query-cover-uri Get URI of the album cover of current playing song
–query-status Get player status (-1: Not loaded, 0: Paused, 1: Playing)
–hide-field Do not display field name for --query-* results
–help List available command line arguments
–audio-cd <dev> Start Banshee and/or select source mapped to <device>
–blank-cd <dev> Start Banshee and/or select source mapped to <device>
–dap <dev> Start Banshee and/or select source mapped to <device>
–no-source-change Do not change sources with --dap or --audio-cd
–no-present Do not bring the player window to the foreground
–version Show Banshee Version"

To me “banshee --enqueue <files>” seems to be it but I still do not know how to specify the argument “<files>”
as the double-clicked file.
Maybe I should ask the question again in the banshee forum?
Greeting from the rainy southern Lower Saxony (Germany)