Changing email address for this forum

Can someone point me in the direction of where I can change my email address for this forum please?

I tried to contact people to help you.

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Thanks. No one has contacted me yet. It does seem strange that it’s such a difficult process!

@Rob_Dean via the Login Portal

@malcolmlewis , I’d already changed it there. Notifications from this forum are still going to my old email address.

@Rob_Dean then you will need to send an email to the IDP folks at admin{at}opensuse{dot}org to create a progress ticket, include the old email info as well…

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Thanks @malcolmlewis , have done so.

@Rob_Dean yes, saw the ticket and updated it to point at the right person.

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Is there any progress on this @malcolmlewis ? I’m still getting forum notification emails come through to my old email address.

@Rob_Dean Hi you need to bump the progress ticket, I just update to the team who look after this…

This was the message I got from them on the 18/5/23. (I’ve redacted my email address, it was the correct one)

openSUSE Tracker]
Issue #129517 has been updated by crameleon.

Category changed from Accounts to Forum
Status changed from Feedback to New
Assignee changed from crameleon to malcolmlewis

Hi @malcolmlewis,

the new email address is set on the IDP end:

$ univention-ldapsearch uid=Rob_Dean|grep ^mail
mail: Ro****@*****.me

Please check the forums again

I’ve bumped it, see what happens :man_shrugging:

@Rob_Dean I sent a test email from the Forum, did you get it?

Yes @malcolmlewis , it came through to the correct email address and now notifications for this thread are too. Thanks for your efforts on this, much appreciated.

Pf. Rather complicated and time consuming for such a trivial (well it should be trivial) bureaucratic action. :frowning_face:

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I just put a request in to admin{at} to update my email today. Let’s see…

@kitman Did it not work at the IDP Portal?

Yes it did thanks after I also got a reply from admin{at} :+1: