Changing Checkarray function for mdadm(raid 1 array)

I’d like to be able to control behaviour of automatic array check . Can someone tell how to manage automatic behaviour ? Can’t find any cron file like it is in debian e.g


Not sure if it’s relevant, my array was taken from another pc, so it shows as md127

# systemctl list-unit-files | egrep 'mdm|mdc'
mdcheck_continue.service                static
mdcheck_start.service                   static
mdmon@.service                          static
mdmonitor-oneshot.service               static
mdmonitor.service                       static
mdcheck_continue.timer                  disabled
mdcheck_start.timer                     enabled
mdmonitor-oneshot.timer                 enabled

Use systemctl cat <unit> to examine current configuration, and systemctl edit <unit> to alter/manage.