Changing boot to LVM

Hello, I have following problem. I have HDD with SUSE with boot partition. I want to add another HDD with LVM move system there switch boot and format the first disk and add it to LVM.

I tried to figure out how to configure GRUB (with yast2 bootloader) to boot from MBR and read kernel from LVM, but without any luck. It still boots from firts disk’s boot partition.

Can somebody give me some advice?

I’m not really sure, but IIRC you could only achieve booting from LVM with grub2 and osuse 11.2 comes with grub1…

Anyway, you might try to remove the boot flag from your original disc and see if the second one boots…but if I were you I would try to unplug the first disc and see if the second one boots properly… :slight_smile: