Change system language

Can i change the system language after install.
I have now english wich is no problem, but is it possible to change to dutch.

YaST > System > Language

But are you sure you want this for the system? You will see Dutch “translations” of words used here and in other docs, but maybe you will not understand what is what any more (do you know what the Dutch word for “repository” is?).

For the end-user this is of course different. She/He can set this for her/his environment in the desktop settings.

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You may consider to use both LANG and LANGUAGE:

  1. System locale
3400g:~ # cat /etc/locale.conf 
3400g:~ # 
  1. User locale
karl@3400g:~> cat .config/plasma-localerc 

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Thanks i will try that option

Don’t do that. In a terminal window on you dutch desktop you will see system messages in dutch, in a tty in english when you leave it with defaults. And, to be honest some messages are really weird and hard to understand in their translations.

Changing the language is a two-step process:

  1. From Yast for the system
  2. From DE for the userspace

Reboot after.

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