Change home folder

Please move this to the correct forum.

After getting my system back from the update problem, I have another problem. I dual boot with 2 drives. I installed LEAP and Windows on an SSD. I put the data on the second drive. I can no longer access that data drive as home. I must open dolphin, navigate to it and give root permission to mount it. Formerly, LEAP recognized the second drive as the place to look for home.

I tried clicking on “properties” of home on the desktop and, on the URL tab, navigating to home on the second drive. But it won’t connect. I assume I am using the wrong syntax because however I edit the location, it says the file doesn’t exist. The URL starts out

/run/media/prexy/long string of numbers identifying the drive/prexy/home

I had this working before but can no longer remember how to set up data on one drive and the OS on the other.

My search skills are weak and I can’t find this in the forums. Please help.

Fire up YaST partitioner and select the partition, edit and then add a mount point eg /data (edit fstab options button and add a label if wanted), then select ok etc. This will add a /etc/fstab entry for it rather than using fuse as your user…

It always scares me to enter the partitioner. I did so and didn’t find a button for “edit.” Also, I don’t remember having to do this when I originally set up the two drives. Is there another way to have my OS on sda and my home on sdb?

Since most docs I will save come from LibreOffice, can’t I set something up in there to use the other drive? As I type this, I’m remembering that I want downloads to go there as well as docs that I scan.

Thanks, malcomlewis, for trying to help me.

You first have to make sure the partition with the user homedirs gets mounted. In yast’s partitioner double-click on a partition and you will see the Edit button