Hi there!
this has probably been asked before in one form or the other, but what’s the way to change the fonts in an application, say Thunderbird, in KDE? I really enjoy the overall clearer appearance of applications in GNOME though I mostly use KDE.
Is there a utility that sets up system fonts preferences in KDE like gnome-tweak-tool does?
I post a snapshot of Thunderbird as an example of different looks under GNOME (left) and KDE (right) http://wstaw.org/m/2012/06/12/Thunderbird.png. The desired look in KDE is something that looks more than the one in GNOME.
This might be what you’re after
System Settings>> Application Appearance>>GTK Styles and Apperance
Thanks! That’s exactly what I was looking for and didn’t know how to ask:)
Strange! The first time it worked, but when I went on to make some other changes to the fonts and then went back to my original changes (that affected only the appearance of GTK applications) it suddenly stopped working. Now, even though the bullet “Use another font” is checked, it uses the KDE fonts.
Anyone seen this happening before?