Certbot-Apache rpm missing

Hello Leap Community,

I installed an apache2 server with the new Leap 15.4, but I cant find the certbot rpms that were formerly relased on 15.2 and 15.3 for using Lets Encrypt
in the official repos.

On this repo I found the certbot 1.27 package but unfortunately there is another package missing python3-certbot-apache for the renewal automation.

Generally it looks that the newer Certbot needs an newer python3 version as it comes with 15.4 basic installation, it shows warnings but that can be ignored, I think.

Is there a Certbot HowTo for 15.4 or another repo or a simple way to get and install the Certbot-Apache application on Leap 15.4. ?

Thank you for any help with this.

Hello Community,

I found a user repo where the certbot and certbot-apache packages are available for 15.4.
The packages could be installed and have version 1.23, so my problem is solved for the moment lol!.

