Today I tried installing a game using PlayOnLinux. Installation was going fine until I was asked for the second CD, I inserted the disk(CD 2) but it did not automount as normal, so installation failed. I tried again: I closed PlayOnLinux (POL) removed CD 2
and inserted CD 1. CD 1 was mounted automatically (it seems CDs not auto-mounting has something to do with POL). I restarted installation via POL and when I was asked for CD2 I inserted it and tried to mount it manually, I typed (as root)
mount -t auto /dev/cdrom /media
It told me the device had been mounted as read-only. However, I couldnt not see the CD and installation failed once again.
Now, when I insert any CD, it is mounted automatically in /media but I cannot see its contents or run the CD.
What happened? Do I need to un-mount something?
By the way I also tried
mount -t auto /dev/cdrom /mnt/iso
(just because it already existed.)
This dir also seems to now be read only.
Oh yeah, Im running 12.1. Any help would be appreciated.
You better do not mount anything on* /media*, but on a directory inside */media *(like the automatic mount does). Else you will hide everything that is allready in /media.
Also you say that you inserted CD 2, but you do not say if you did that in second CD unit, or if you unmounted CD 1 (you also do not show nor tell where CD 1 was mounted) and ejected it and then inserted CD 2. When you do not unmount it could be that CD2 is still seen as CD 1.
In any case, when you have your installation process still in a working directory on CD 1, it will never know where you mounted CD 2 is. Even when this was mounted automatic.
In short, IMHO we are missing a lot of information.
And when you say “I couldnt not see the CD” that is again a vague story instead of computer facts. What command did you use and what is the output.
I didnt use code tags because I had since closed the terminal.
I have 1 CD drive. As far as I know when I remove CD 1, it would be unmounted. I wouldn’t know; I learnt the mount command this very day.
When changing CD the installation asks you to do so. You swap the CDs and the installation continues using the same directory where it found the last CD.
I didnt use a command. I went to the Thunar file manager and I could not see the CD. Since my brain works in pictures, not text, I like things graphically represented, like most humans.
Basically: CDs now auto mount, but I cant view their contents via a file managers and applications which require said CDs tell me the wrong CD is in the drive.
When you want to do (and are doing) most things via the GUI, you could at least have told which Desktop Environment you use.
In general, there is some popu somewhere in your desktop telling you that a new device (CD, DVD, USB storage) is connected. You then choose what to do with it (e.g. browing with a file browser). And when you are done, then there is somewhere the “remove savely” or similar button.
On 2012-05-31 20:26, lkzp wrote:
> This has happen since I tried
> To maunally mount a CD to the /media directory.
> Why?
As hcw told you, you should not mount anything directly in /media. When you
do, somethings happen:
/media become the contents of the CD
/media becomes read only (a CD)
everything that was previously under /media disappears
Because of 2 and 3 now the system can not create new automatically mounted
filesystems, nor delete (umount) any that existed previously.
Broken system.
On your original problem, IIRC each CD can be mounted automatically on a
different directory, the name being the label of the CD. This depends on
what each desktop prefers to do; I do not remember what XFCE does.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)
> It told me the device had been mounted as read-only. However, I couldnt
> not see the CD and installation failed once again.
After you mounted the disc (directory naming nonwithstanding - but a
valid point that you should avoid mounting on /media directly since that
can mess with other things), if you execute the command:
Do you see the CD mounted? (Post the output of this command in code tags
so we can see it)