CD Burning problem

Hi. I seem to be having a problem with burning CDs.

Whenever I launch k3b, it says ‘No optical drive found.’ However, When I insert a CD while in KDE, it properly mounts it. What do I do? It seems like udev/hal is working fine…

Also, I can’t get KDE to recognize any inserted flash drive or external usb storage device inserted on demand.

What do I do?

I have a thread that talks about optical drive naming which could be the problem with k3b.

Multimedia Optical Drive Naming (ie /dev/dvd & /dev/cdrom) Howto in opneSUSE

As I understand it, you could even remove the configuration file (/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-cd.rules), causing the settings to be redone based on your present setup. If you have more than one optical drive is when a manual edit is warranted, but the file can get messed up if you have replaced optical drive(s) recently.

Thank You,