Carla ( a plugin host) wich can be used in LMMS and other music software like ardour)

I am using LMMS, through an appimage file. I installed Carla from an official opensuse source.

The good news when I start LMMS, Calra does shows up in LMMS.

When I try to add a VST ( a windows .dll ) into Carla, I am getting an error about a invalid elf header.
This VST works through Vestige in LMMS, so I know on my system wine is not the problem.

( both LMMS and Carla do not need wine to run on Linux, but they do need it if you want to load (window) vst)

Because I have some experience with LMMS and Carla, I might know what wrong.

Carla not compiled with wine support.

I did find my old topic about this:

But then I was still on leap, right now I am on Tumbleweed. :slight_smile:

I will probably have to compile Carla myself.


How hard is to compile on the obs ? Is it much different from compiling on you’re own pc?
Do I need to install git on the obs? Like I would need to on my own pc?
I remember something about a git clone command, to copy the source code.
Were I got confused the last time, I can’t install wine on the obs ?

On you own pc, you install wine and then also all the dev files, does it work like this on the obs?

I am not sure if I am up to it, but since I probably have to compile it myself anyway, it would be nice if I can spare others some work.

Can somebody confirm, that wine is the problem, with this Carla version ?
Looking at the dependencies from within YAST, wine is not listed.

This worries me, but I am also confused about something:

Next text is copied pasted from YAST:

carla - An audio plugin host

Carla is an audio plugin host, with support for many audio drivers and plugin formats. It features automation of parameters via MIDI CC and full OSC control. It currently supports LADSPA, DSSI, LV2, VST2/3 and AU plugin formats, plus GIG, SF2 and SFZ sounds banks. It futher supports bridging Window plugins using Wine.

With that text, it seem odd to me, they did not compile it with wine support ? :\

Looking in YAST, I could not find an email address.

How to proceed ? Who to contact?

I did already in Carla go into the settings, and enabled experimental features.

One reason why I would like to use carla, some VST that do not work through Vestige, might work through Carla.
Carla should also be able to load Linux VST, something Vestige can’t.
An example:

Amsynth is available, through the official repositories.

Some days I wonder if I should not just change distro to KX studio, then LMMS and Carla should work out of the box.
But I like openSUSE too much. :slight_smile:

A while ago, on the Linux musicians forum, I found a post of an opensuse user, who was about the start repositories, for LMMS and Carla.
Does anybody know the status of that ?
I did offer to help, but have not heard anything about it since.

One small advantage I have, I know how to contact the LMMS devs, and the Carla dev.

A bit off topic, an LMMS tip.
Download the appimage file, from the official LMMS site.
Then make the file executable, and start LMMS.
Then go into setting and disable plugin embed.
This solves an issue, were the LMMS gui sometimes goes on a strike.
I can confirm this solution works for us on suse, but also for people on mint and ubuntu.
The LMMS devs already know about this.

Do not get LMMS from any were else, on the LMMS forums we already had one user on windows, getting his pc infected with a virus, because he got LMMS from a “friend”.

You can get LMMS from the official repositories, but I do not know the status of that version.
In the past already had so much issues with that version, I very happy the LMMS devs gave us an appimage version.
If you do use the LMMS version from the official repositories, turning off plugin embed is still a good idea.

I am recommending your post to be moved to the OBS Development forum.


I am not understanding much of it, but it indeed seems that the OP asks for information about using OBS. And yes, the the OBS subforum seems to be the place.


To start with: Using OBS is much easier than finding out all compiler options, the load of -devel packages etc. etc.
Basically you login with the credentials you have here, create a project, enable the distro(s) you want to build for. I’ll now write down how I add carla to my home:Knurpht:Extras repo:

  • Use the top Search ‘carla’. Amongst the results I see that the (semi-official) multimedia:apps has a carla build

  • Next I go Home Project - Subprojects and enter the Extras subproject

  • Next I choose ‘branch existing package’. In original project search I enter ‘multimed’ and it already shows ‘multimedia:apps’, I click on that and it’s selected. In the Orinial package name field I enter ‘carla’ and it shows up, I select it and click Accept.

  • That was it, it’s building now, as you can see here.

  • On my own system I have home:Knurpht:Extras enabled, and some time after the build reaches ‘succeeded’ , I will be able to install it with

zypper in carla

I basically had two questions.

The obs part is answered, and I will give it another try. :slight_smile:

I should already be registered there.

My other question was about Carla, if its compiled with wine support.

Before I try to do allot of work, I was trying to find out, if the error I get when I try to put a vst plugin into carla, about he elf header, is an compile issue.

But I might know a better place to ask this specific Carla related question. Linux musician forum. LinuxMusicians - Index page
Or see if the Carla developer, can help me. ( Falk Tx )

Last time I tried Carla, months ago, Carla was not compiled with wine support.
Because I found an email adres in yast, I was able to contact the person who had build it.
He did not know Carla uses wine, for some plugins.

For those interested:

I hope the link work.

If I get an answer I will off course, report here too. :slight_smile:

Found something else.

A repository for people who want to make music on openSUSE. I have no idea on the status of this project though.

They were interested in my feedback / help, but I never heard anything after this.
Maybe I found the people who build Carla for us. :slight_smile:

First an obs question, related to github.

When I compile (lmms) or Carla myself, I install git, then go to the comandline and do a git clone.
How does that work on the obs ?

Is there a page explaining on how to compile a program on the obs?

I have already downloaded the source code of Carla to my pc.
But might not need it.

I got another reply on the Linux musician forum:

Then I googled and found this:

Geekos DAW as its called, is alive and kicking.

Official for leap, but tumbleweed should work too. ( or will get worked on )

This project was created to help users configure openSUSE Leap as a Digital Audio Workstation.

The repositories were created with this purpose: to allow you to configure openSUSE as a professional Workstation in just a few clicks.

It’s as simple as installing our pattern – your machine will be automatically configured and you will have a ready setup to start working on your music.

In addition, you will find in the YaST (Yet Another Setup Tool) package manager our “Geekos Daw” pattern, which includes other software and plugins to expand your music-making environment.

For those here that have heard of KX studio, this is the same, but for opensuse. ( KX studio is for Debian, Ubuntu )

I have no idea yet, if “they” have a different version of Carla.

Will do some more investigation, on how to only add geekos repositories, with out changing my system.

I do know they did talked with people from Arch ( AUR ? ) and KX studio on how they do things.

Back to Carla.

install carla, carla-bridges and carla-bridges-32bit from home:geekositalia:daw

So there might be a geekos pattern in YAST, which for now is not what I want. I only want the repositories of geekos DAW.
I want to keep control of what gets installed.

There is no geekos pattern. If you want those packages from this specific repo, branch them to your own repo, or use the mentioned repo. Branching them will allow you to make changes to the spec file(s), f.e. requiring wine.

There is a one click install on that geekos webpage.

It should add repositories and a pattern. ( for leap, for Tumbleweed it might work )

Maybe I should try it, but then not accepting the changes only add the repositories.

The part worrying me, it’s not an official openSUSE source as far as I understand things.

From what I heard from the geekos daw guys, it should merge with the obs one day.
So the Carla I have installed from the obs, is not from them.

I do understand and like what they are trying to do.

There are some distro’s fine tuned for music production.
For years there is already KXstudio, which turns debian / ubuntu into a music making distro.
Geekos does the same for openSUSE.

First step to install Geekos is to install leap, second step is to click that 1 click install button.

Gonna do some thinking, and read about the obs, and see were I stopped last time.

I am getting more and more confused about the obs.

After a password recovery, I can log in again, and started a new home, named Carla for tumbleweed.

I cant seem to extract a zip file I added ?

Then I unpacked the source code zip at my own pc, but then it won’t allow me to upload that folder.
Because its expecting a file.

This most be totally different from compiling at you’re own pc ?

There the first step is to get the source code.

This page is only adding to my confusion:

I must be understanding this totally wrong ?
Were am I gonna build the package at my pc or on the obs ? :frowning:

You can use OBS from the webinterface, and through osc on your local machine. But why insist in compiling/building your own package, when Dave Plater already builds a recent one from git in the multimedia:apps repo?

If you want to go your own road, contact Dave ( his email address is on the package’s page in OBS.

Thank you, but

I have installed LMMS and Carla from openSUSE sources many times.

This ended one time in me talking with packman, and then talking with the LMMS devs.
Another time with me getting compile errors, to even which the LMMS devs said wtf ?

These days I gave up on the LMMS part, and am using an appimage file, made by the LMMS devs.

I am using LMMS for years now, and its nightmare to some extent.
About every package builder from about every distro gets it wrong.
Wine being one part of that problem. To solve this, is why the LMMS devs now have an apimage file.
( works on openSUSE leap and Tumbleweed, Ubuntu, Mint, Arch, Fedora and probably most 64 bit distro’s around )

I ones tried to compile Carla myself, but to keep this short, that why I am now on Tumbleweed.

Back to today.
I recently installed Carla from the obs, and again there is a problem.

( I can’t even remember it fully working ones with all respect to the effort people put in to it because I know how hard it is to compile LMMS and Carla ) :slight_smile:

That why I wanted to attempt to compile it my self again, and then maybe talk to Falk tx again, the dev of Carla if I encounter problems.

I will talk to Dave first though, lets see if he knows what’s wrong and why I am getting an invalid elf header error, when I try to add a (windows) VST into Carla.
Maybe fork his branch if it’s wine related.

Last time I talked to the person who had put Carla on the obs, the first reply I got was that he did not know Carla needs wine for some task.
He also was too busy with his personal life, to continue the project.
I was asked if I wanted to takeover the project, but because I then would have to test for leap too, I declined.

Carla is for me an ongoing battle ( 3 years or so ), in which I sometimes got so frustrated, I even considered distro hopping to KX Studio.
( On KX studio, LMMS and Carla will work right out of the box. like Firefox on openSUSE )

I am however still very happy I ignored that impulse.

Maybe I can help Dave and or Dave can help me. :slight_smile:

Please stop assuming there is such a thing as openSUSE sources. The carla sources are those from github. Packagers do not make their own sources, though they do sometimes apply patches. OBS / the spec file of a package should take care of that.

AFAIK Dave Plater took over the maintenance of the carla builds.

Thank you, will try to be more specific about the sources. Because I got Carla from the obs, I called it a official openSUSE source.

I did notice they got the source from the github.

I made some progress.

I emailed Dave, and found a much better OBS tutorial.

I then installed the command-line tool, and noticed something called git gui was installed too.

With some luck I won’t need it though, but I am starting to see the light on how to do gitclone on the obs. :slight_smile:

Will now first wait for reply from Dave. I asked how i can tell if I have his Carla version installed, and if its build with wine support.
Also offered to help, if I can.

What I like about the web based version, is that I don’t have to have the sources on my system. Another thing is the lot of workers that take care of building. Never affects my system.

Keeping you’re system clean is much better, I had in the past sometimes update issues, because I was using stuff newer then the normal repositories for leap have.
To get all files needed for compiling I had to add the rolling release repositories.

I also now understand how easy it can be to test for leap too.
I can make a branch of a project for leap on the obs. Then another virtual machine is created, to me that’s awesome. :slight_smile:

I already have answers from Dave though, and I am quite happy.

To start with Carla, he never uses windows vst, so I am the right person to test this.
He only uses Linux vst and that is good news to me too. One reason why I want Carla in LMMS, is to use Linux VST.

Its almost funny Linux Multi Media studio, can’t load Linux vst. :frowning: ( you need Carla for that )

He also said I don’t need to use the LMMS appimage file any more.

So I will be installing LMMS and Carla VST. ( not just Carla )

So for those who want to make music on openSUSE, it seems all issues with LMMS and Carla are fixed. :slight_smile:
( although I will have to test if I can load windows VST in Carla, but that’s is a minor detail )

Something else I now will try is to use the newer calf plugins. Newer then the ones that come with LMMS. (you cant do this without Carla)
Carla adds features lmms is missing.

Will be interesting to see what will happen in the future. Falk TX, the dev of Carla is also an LMMS dev.

For people that don’t want to use wine, both LMMS and Carla work without wine too.

You can’t without wine use one of my favourite plugins though.
The mini moog VST