Can't watch video files

I’m a new user of linux and so impressed. I’ve installed suse 11 in my optiplex 330 but i cant watch any video.
I’ve installed VLC but when it starts, it closes just by itself.
Please help out, also Real player etc.

I personally use mplayer since it playes almost all video formats, needs no extra codecs and is easy to install. Just go to yast->software management and search for it.

Hmm…i had problems with VLC from Videolan repository, but VLC from Packman is working fine…

Mplayer doesnt open also

i am a new linux user but i have instaled my mplayer a few minutes ago and worked fine. Yast / Software / software management (someting like this, mine isnt in english) /find for mplayer /choose only the one thats says mplayer (read description) / install / done / ALT F2 and write mplayer

Birungi, I use Kaffeine, KMplayer, and Mplayer. When I added these I also downloaded three other files:

  1. W32codec-all
  2. xine-ui
  3. mplayerthumbs

I can play any video format on these three players. The only change I had to make was adding .flv as a format in the file associations configuration screen.

Mplayerthumbs gives you nice thumbnail images of the videos in your home directory. I do not know if xine-ui really is needed, but I have always loaded it anyway.

Note: I am using SuSE 11.0 and have not yet tried VLC player. However, I do have VLC loaded on my SuSE 10.0 laptop and it works just fine.


Birungi, I just downloaded VLC onto my SuSE 11.0 system and it works great.

Try loading the files I mentioned in previous post and see it that helps.

Good luck.

Exactly what steps did you take to install mplayer and at what step does it crash.

Reporting any errors you might be getting would make it easier to help you as well.

Try starting mplayer without opening a video at all, does that work?

Also the desktop environment you’re using (KDE 3.5 / KDE4 / Gnome) would be good to know.

From what I understand you’re using 11 and not 11.1?