Can't Use YaST Software Manager in 11.2 - Gnome

When trying to open YaST Software Manager, it downloads/refreshes repository information, but then, just when the loading bar indicates that the manager is about to open, a warning window pops up which says: “There was an error in the repository initialization.”

The program continues to open, but only packages that have already been installed are visible. Any ideas?

Post result of

zypper lr -d

drucifer@r61h83:~> zypper lr -d

| Alias | Name | Enabled | Refresh | Priority | Type | URI | Service

1 | 11.2 - VideoLan | 11.2 - VideoLan | Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | Index of /pub/videolan/vlc/SuSE/11.2/ |
2 | ATI_Video_Drivers | ATI Video Drivers | Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | |
3 | Libdvdcss repository | Libdvdcss repository | Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | Index of /pub/vlc/SuSE/11.2/ |
4 | Packman Repository | Packman Repository | Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | |
5 | X11:XGL | X11:XGL | Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | Index of /repositories/X11:/XGL/openSUSE_11.2 |
6 | | Updates for openSUSE 11.2-0 | Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | Index of /update/11.2 |
7 | openSUSE 11.2-0 | openSUSE 11.2-0 | Yes | No | 99 | yast2 | cd:/// |
8 | openSUSE-11.2-Oss | openSUSE-11.2-Oss | Yes | Yes | 99 | yast2 | Index of /distribution/11.2/repo/oss |
9 | printer | printer | Yes | Yes | 99 | plaindir | dir:///home/drucifer/Desktop/libxine |
10 | repo-debug | openSUSE-11.2-Debug | No | Yes | 99 | NONE | Index of /debug/distribution/11.2/repo/oss |
11 | repo-non-oss | openSUSE-11.2-Non-Oss | Yes | Yes | 99 | yast2 | Index of /distribution/11.2/repo/non-oss |
12 | repo-oss | openSUSE-11.2-Oss | Yes | Yes | 99 | yast2 | Index of /distribution/11.2/repo/oss |
13 | repo-source | openSUSE-11.2-Source | No | Yes | 99 | NONE | Index of /source/distribution/11.2/repo/oss |

Too many active repos. remove or disable all except


Do the above first see if it helps. If not come back

Awesome! Workin’ like a charm now.
