can't unmount thumbdrive

First off what I have… I’m running a P3 1.1Ghz with 512mb Ram that I recently put opensuse 11.0 on to. I’m not exactly a newbie but I’m not an expert either… I have used suse since version 7.0 through the 10’s and like it quite a bit. My experiences with 11 haven’t been great however… From difficulties finding where things are to figuring out how to mount a second hard drive with preexisting fat partitions ( figured out with google ) to now being unable to unmount a thumbdrive. It did come up and state the drive was there and mounted it but didn’t give me an icon. I can find it in dolphin but no option to “unmount” or " safely remove" could be found. I searched the internet via google and everything I found said to right click and select one of the above mentioned options… I am not given those options anywhere… I tried reversing what i did ( using the partioner ) to mount the added hard drive but all that gave me was an option to add not remove.

please help as this is a workstation at my job ( i had choice of putting on what I wanted ) and I’m ready to junk opensuse for another flavor of linux… something that just works so I don’t have to spend work time trying to track down things that should be easy. thank you for your help.

The Shard

I guess you’re using KDE4 as you mentioned dolphin. There’s a plasmoid called “New Device Notifier”. You can umount your usb device there, if you have a fairly recent version of KDE4. Or do it in the commandline: umount /media/yourusbdrive.

and where would I find this newdevicenotifier

The New Device Notifier, which shows you any removable media, is usually located next to the digital watch in your taskbar. If not then you can add it. Move your mouse over that strange thing in the top right corner of your KDE4 desktop and click add miniprogram or add plasmoid (My desktop is german). Then drag & drop New Device Notifier from the list to either your desktop or the taskbar.
I’m not sure if the unmount button is already present in the shipped KDE4.0.4. Not only for that reason, but also for a better experience of KDE4 you may want to upgrade to KDE4.1. Therefore you’ll have to add two repositories to your software management: Index of /repositories/KDE:/KDE4:/Factory:/Desktop/openSUSE_11.0
Index of /repositories/KDE:/Qt/openSUSE_11.0
For me, it turned out that 4.1 is much more useable than 4.0.

thanks I will try upgrading this weekend and see… I did finally find a way to unmount but it had to be from dolphin and you had to be looking at the drive or something… don’t remember exactly and I’m not in front of that machine… thanks again for your response.