Can't start desktop for 1 user in Leap42.2

I recently updated 3 PCs to Leap 42.2. 2 went fine but 1 didn’t.
On 1 PC I can’t log into KDE with my user ID. I can log into KDE with another user ID.

The login starts, the little circle goes round, the bulb blinks and I get a menu button top left and can right click the screen.

Comparing the file with the successful user, I have

("/home/steve/rpm/plugins/mplayerplug-in-0.2.1.xpi",… a lot of files)
log_kioremote: RemoteDirNotify::FilesChanged
log_kioremote: RemoteDirNotify::toRemoteURL( QUrl(“file:///home/steve/rpm/plugins/mplayerplug-in-0.2.1.xpi”) )
log_kioremote: result => KUrl() … a lot of times the files above.

The above keeps repeating with long lists of files and eventually I get a screen telling me I have to reset with loginctl unlock_sessions

The successful user has
("/home/guest/Desktop/trash.desktop", “/home/guest/Desktop/Home.desktop”)
log_kioremote: RemoteDirNotify::FilesChanged
log_kioremote: RemoteDirNotify::toRemoteURL( QUrl(“file:///home/guest/Desktop/trash.desktop”) )
log_kioremote: result => KUrl()
log_kioremote: RemoteDirNotify::toRemoteURL( QUrl(“file:///home/guest/Desktop/Home.desktop”) )
log_kioremote: result => KUrl()

Where would I look for the never ending lists and how to clear.

Thanks, steve

Honestly, the first thing that I would try is:

mkdir OLD
mv .bash* .profile* OLD/.

That is all to be done in that user home directory, preferably as that user (use CTRL-ALT-F1 and login at a command line).

If that fixes it, then there’s a problem in those shell startup files.

If that does not fix it, then try (additionally)

mv .config OLD/.
mv .local OLD/.

That should clear out all of the Plasma 5 configuration, and allow a fresh start. The old configuration is saved under OLD for checking and restoring parts that aren’t broken.

Thanks very much for the help.
Changing to Gnome desktop didn’t solve the issue.
Moving .bashrc and .profile out of $home made no difference.
Moving .local and .config out of $home got me back into a KDE desktop.