I recently updated 3 PCs to Leap 42.2. 2 went fine but 1 didn’t.
On 1 PC I can’t log into KDE with my user ID. I can log into KDE with another user ID.
The login starts, the little circle goes round, the bulb blinks and I get a menu button top left and can right click the screen.
Comparing the file with the successful user, I have
("/home/steve/rpm/plugins/mplayerplug-in-0.2.1.xpi",… a lot of files)
log_kioremote: RemoteDirNotify::FilesChanged
log_kioremote: RemoteDirNotify::toRemoteURL( QUrl(“file:///home/steve/rpm/plugins/mplayerplug-in-0.2.1.xpi”) )
log_kioremote: result => KUrl() … a lot of times the files above.
The above keeps repeating with long lists of files and eventually I get a screen telling me I have to reset with loginctl unlock_sessions
The successful user has
("/home/guest/Desktop/trash.desktop", “/home/guest/Desktop/Home.desktop”)
log_kioremote: RemoteDirNotify::FilesChanged
log_kioremote: RemoteDirNotify::toRemoteURL( QUrl(“file:///home/guest/Desktop/trash.desktop”) )
log_kioremote: result => KUrl()
log_kioremote: RemoteDirNotify::toRemoteURL( QUrl(“file:///home/guest/Desktop/Home.desktop”) )
log_kioremote: result => KUrl()
Where would I look for the never ending lists and how to clear.
Thanks, steve