Yast’s NFS server module help says:
Host Wildcard character defines the hosts that can access the selected directory. It can be a single host, groups, wildcards or IP networks.
If I enter two IP addresses (separated by a comma), Yast creates the following entries in /etc/exports:
Only the first IP can access the share, the second gives permission error.
But if I manually edit /etc/exports joining both entries in one line, like shown in man exports example, like this:
then both boxes can access the share.
Bug or I’m doing it wrong?
The Yast HELP does not mention a comma separated list. And it does refer you to the man page for exports. Personally, I manually edit “/etc/exports” for any tweaking.
When Yast mentions groups, it is probably referring to NIS groups. I’m not using NIS, so I ignore that.
It’s either a bug or, a feature …
- YaST is possibly not conceived as being a tool for configuring multiple machines accessing any given NFS export point, filtered by their individual IP addresses.
- I’m fairly sure that, YaST can configure wild-card IP address ranges to restrict access to any given NFS export point.
I tried the usual, comma and space delimited lists. Yast won’t accept spaces, but it does recognize commas, so… And I did read the man page for exports, that’s how I got it working.
Editing /etc/exports is easy, but as I do it infrequently I never recall the (systemctl?) command to restart nfs, or if there are other processes to restart too, so yast is faster for me. Actually when I edit /etc/exports manually I usually run yast’s nfs server module just to restart whatever is necessary. Inefficient, sure, but easier (for forgetful me).
What occurred to me is if there is a setting in nfs clients, mountd or whatever, that allow multiple fstab entries for the same share, maybe it is disabled by default for some reason. Just idle speculation…
Thank you for helping.
It’s no big deal, really. A GUI front-end could hardly be expected to cover all command line settings options, and Yast is already great as it is.