Can't print, can't open "configure desktop"

No, I didn’t. It’s starting to sink in that it might be a bad thing to run thing as root.
To me it might have been significant that the command would execute as root but not as the user.

Well, yes. That tells that the installation itself is fine.
So is it (systemsettings/Configure Desktop) running now as user? I thought it would again, only the printer setup not…

Back to it after a pause.

Yes, the print manager is running.
I tried adding a new user and he has the same or similar problems.
At least I can get to configure desktop but configuring printers is not good.
KDE crashed twice when I tried to modify the printer.

What I noticed and would like to find out where it is stored so I can change it is the path to the print server.
I saw some messages as to the URI was wrong or no longer valid.
The phrases might be wrong but it is something like:
//Corky:631/:Corky Printer:,
…^--------This is wrong and needs to be changed.

It would be the same thing as changing the name on a print server

As already mentioned (not only by me :wink: ), this should be in /etc/cups/printers.conf .

Well, no it doesn’t.

tHere are 2 printer files.

linux-sml7:/etc/cups #


# Printer configuration file for CUPS v1.5.4
# Written by cupsd on 2013-11-24 12:21

and printers.conf.0

# Printer configuration file for CUPS v1.5.4
# Written by cupsd on 2013-11-24 12:19
<DefaultPrinter CorkyPrinter>
UUID urn:uuid:147680ef-7e94-37ba-4f17-53d910ec5629
Info Corky Printer
Location Corky PC
MakeModel Brother HL-2030 Foomatic/hl1250 (recommended)
DeviceURI ipp://
State Stopped
StateMessage The printer URI is incorrect or no longer exists.
StateTime 1385316244
Reason paused
Type 8400900
Accepting Yes
Shared No
JobSheets none none
QuotaPeriod 0
PageLimit 0
KLimit 0
OpPolicy default
ErrorPolicy stop-printer

The active file is printers.conf and printers.conf.O is a backup file. Your printers.conf appears to be empty (if you cut and pasted correctly).

I am pretty sure I got it right, so I am going to copy the backup and make it the active file and see what happens.


It made no difference, and still told me that the URI was invalid.

Well, it’s fixed though I still don’t know what happened.

What I did was to remove CUPS and that was an experience. 1st I tired "X"ing what looked to be all CUPS related and I got into a whirlpool of dependencies, so I started over and just deleted CUPS. and reinstalled it.
After that all was well.

Very strange in how easy it was to confuse it.