Can't open Cheese application.


I Can’t open Cheese application.
It show this problem:

Which packages I should install to?

P.S. Totem, MPV players work good. All kind of videos are opened.

be sure all gstreamer packages come from Packman. You can see in yast-softwaer Management in the version tab at bottom right

Cheese 3.16 in Leap is broken (don’t remember exactly where…), you may uninstall it.
I installed Cheese 3.18.1-198.1 from OpenSUSE-Gnome repo (search in “other versions”).
It brings in 3 libraries that don’t conflict with the other Gnome 3.16 setup and works nicely on the 3.16 desktop.

Yes, I switched all packages to the Packman repository version, but it’s all the same.

Thank you.

Does only Cheese not work or any web chat applications too? I mean Skype, Tox etc.

Try the following:

  1. Remove the libclutter-gst-3_0-0 if it is installed.
  2. Remove ~/.cache/gstreamer-1.0/

It works for me :slight_smile:

I found it here

I read that removing libclutter-gst-3_0-0 package causes the unistallation of Totem package. I have not been able to test it because I don’t have Totem installed. Anyway cheese works for me now.

To the OP:
You might have noticed that the two posts in this thread do not require (or even suggest) doing a vendor change to Packman.

In fact,
Unless someone can suggest a specific reason to do so, I only have seen a concrete scenario to support VLC which AFAIK has nothing to do with any scenario supporting any other application.

So, unless you install VLC I’d suggest doing a vendor change back to the OSS undoing the vendor change to Packman.


NO that will break Firefox, Chromium, gstreamer, amarok, xine and a lot of other apps that need working multimedia, Firefox and Chromium without packman can’t render mp4 video’s, amarok without packman can’t play mp3,mp4 or any real audio file.

I did it.

It helps. Cheese now works.

But I can’t use Totem after that:(

You can try smplayer or VLC to play videos. I work with gnome as my main desktop, but I don’t like Totem that’s why I haven’t TOTEM installed.

MPV video player works normal. But I like Totem more.

Thanks for reminding me of the technical details; to put it short:

cheese 3.16 requires libcheese7 which in turn requires libclutter-gst-2.0 but libclutter-gst-3.0 (required by totem) breaks cheese.
cheese 3.18 requires libcheese8 which in turn requires libclutter-gst-3.0 and everybody is happy, including totem.

  1. Remove libclutter-gst-3_0-0
  2. Remove totem
  3. Remove ~/.cache/gstreamer-1.0/
  4. Start cheese it works.
  5. Reinstalled totem and cheese still works.
    Go figure.