Can't not get 11.2 installed on my Laptop

I’ve got two versions of opensuse 11.2 DVD(both are burning DVD). One is 32-bit, the other is 64-bit.
At first, I tried to install 32-bit version,all the things went very well before the installation’s request for a reboot.when I pressed Yes for reboot request,My laptop didn’t reboot,and gave me a black screen,nothing happened:(…several minutes later,I thought there was probably something wrong with the reboot command,then I used Ctrl+Alt+Del to reboot.
however,the system did’t get into the Login screen, the X window didn’t start, the text mode appeared.after I login as root,the words before '#‘became (repair system).Then I reinstalled it several times ,and same problem appeared:’(.
I thought the DVD might be broken,so I used the 64-bit version which was installed successfully in my roommate’s laptop.but the installation stop at the same point at which my 32-bit DVD did.reinstalled again and again ,the same happened>:(.NOW I can only use 10.3, and it work problem with installation.
I’m really confused now…why can’t I get 11.2 on ?
is there something wrong with my laptop?or my laptop isn’t compatible with 11.2?
my laptop:
CUP: core T5600
GRAPICCARD: ATI x1300 mobility

can anyone help me?:question:
Thank you so much!

Did you try installing with any of the other installation options?

Press F3 and select VESA install. If that does not work, select a TEXT install.

You can also go under another Fx buttom (I can’t recall which) and select a Safe Settings Install.

Did none of those work?

Also, before you burned your DVDs, did you compare the md5sum of the downloaded iso file against the md5sum posted on the Novell/SuSE-GmbH web site? Did you burn the DVD to a high quality DVD (not an RW) to the slowest speed your burner allows?

I think I am having the same problem. I’m running a A64 Gateway notebook with ATI graphics. I did 3 installs (2 with 64 bit and one with 32 bit). Same thing happens each time.

Install seems to go OK, but when it shuts down for first boot, the screen goes black and the hard drive light stays lit while system completely locks up. Holding the power button down eventually allows a reboot, but the screen goes black again halfway through the boot up process and locks up again. Extremely frustrating because you can’t do a thing with a locked up system and a black screen.

I finally managed to get the system to boot up in failsafe mode. I ran sax2 -r to try to get the display working, but when I reboot, the black screen returns. I may try to install the vesa driver.

I’m on the road right now and just need a working system and don’t have time to troubleshoot this ATM. I’m downloading Mandriva right now and hope to get that working later today, just so I’ll at least have a working system.

Looks like a major bug here. I have been running OpenSuse since 10.1 and never seen anything this bad.

Many ATI users are having with the new autoprobe of their graphics in 11.2.

Try typing “3” when grub boot menu appears (very 1st screen to choose boot) such that “3” (no quotes) also appears in options line. Then log in to text prompt.

At that point, you can try following 11.2 release notes:
openSUSE 11.2 Release Notes

YaST and X.Org Configuration (Keyboard, Mouse, Graphics Board, and Monitor)
In the past, YaST offered an configuration interface for the graphical desktop ( such as keyboard, mouse, graphics board, and monitor. During the installation a suitable xorg.conf was created.

In most cases it is no longer needed because the Xserver is now able to automatically configure the system. If it fails for your system, try the following steps:

Check whether an old /etc/X11/xorg.conf file exists. If so, move it away and start your desktop again.

If it still does not work, run sax2 from the command line and execute the configuration procedure.

To adjust hardware components to your personal needs, start the GNOME desktop control center or Configure Desktop in KDE, and configure your devices such as the mouse or keyboard. The display configuration dialogs also let you configure multiple monitor setups. To configure multiple monitors, in other desktop environments, use xrandr.

For more information, see the Desktop User Guides shipping with openSUSE. They are also available from Documentation - openSUSE

When running the sax2 command , you can try various options, dependant on your ATI hardware:

  • **sax2 -r -m 0 = radeonhd **
    #for opensource radeonhd driver
  • sax2 -r -m 0 = radeon
    #for opensource radeon driver
  • **sax2 -r -m 0 = ati **
    #for older opensource ati driver
  • sax2 -r -m 0 = vesa

for vesa driver that is "zero equals ‘some driver’

Some users have reported they needed the boot code (typed in the grub menu options line):

OK back in business. I ran sax2 -r -m 0=ati and it worked.

I initially got a black screen when exiting sax2, but I was finally able to boot up normally upon reboot. I’m thinking maybe the RadeonHD driver might be incompatible with older ATI chips (I have the 200M integrated).

This must be a huge shock for first time users to experience this kind of complete system meltdown on the very first boot up after what seems like a successful install, so hopefully it can be fixed somehow through updates or something.

Thanks to everyone for the help.

I have the same problem in my laptop. I have an acer aspire 5051 AWXMi (amd turion 64 mk36 2.0 ghz, ati radeon xpress 1100, 1gb ddr2).

My problem appears when I reboot may laptop the second time instalation requires, then may laptop goes blackscreen and I can´t do anything, if I reboot, my laptop hangs.

I´ve installed 32 and 64 bits with same results, I´ve tried all I´ve read in this forum(rebooting in 3 mode, etc…)and doesn´t appear any console where I could write anything. >:(

could somebody help me? :’(

I apologize for my mistakes in spelling and grammar. :shame:

Follow what’s been writen above. Or search for openSUSE ATI HOWTO.

And a warm welcome to the forums.

Can you boot into failsafe mode? When you get past the bios, you should see the Open Suse boot screen, and there should be an option to boot into failsafe mode. try that.

Did you try booting with the fail safe settings, with the “3” in the options line of the boot menu, and then log in , and run follow my suggested actions in post #4 above.

Could you also tell us more about your hardware. When you type with root (administrator permissions):
sax2 -p
what do you get?

Indeed, it is most unacceptable.

I’m a bit surprised there was not more screaming about the failure of the open source drivers to automatically work for a LOT of the ATI hardware during the milestone release phase, … or maybe there was, and the openSUSE development community simply misunderstood the complaints.

I’m a bit surprised there was not more screaming about the failure of the open source drivers to automatically work for a LOT of the ATI hardware during the milestone release phase, … or maybe there was, and the openSUSE development community simply misunderstood the complaints.
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I’ve been wondering about that too. Did the milestone releases all use the same Xorg version?

i´ve tried all: boot in 3 mode (booting stops suddenly and I can boot my laptop by ctrl alt supr, it is the only thing I can do) in failsafe mode same.

I´ve tried all i´ve read in this forum and **my problem is that I can acces to a console.
As I say my laptop is an Acer 5051 AWXMi(amd turion 64 mobile technology mk36 2.0 ghz 512kb l2 cache, ati radeon xpress 1100, 120 gb hard disk, 1 gb ddr2)

I am quite disappointed with opensuse 11.2.:bad:>:(

Sorry to read about your experience. From I can see, other distributions have struggled with this laptop. I note this post:

Are you certain you burned the installation CD/DVD correctly? Did you check the md5sum of the downloaded iso file against the md5sum on the Novell/SuSE-GmbH web site to ensure the md5sum were the same? Did you burn the CD/DVD to high quality media (NOT an RW) at the slowest speed your burner allows? Did you conduct the media check on the CD/DVD before attempting an install ? Did you burn the CD/DVD from the Acer 5051 or from a different PC (sometimes the calibration differences between old CD/DVD burner’s and new CD/DVD drives (and visa versa) will affect an operating system install).

When you state “boot in 3 mode”, I have NO IDEA as to what you mean. Specially, my recommendation is when , after the installation is complete, and you have a problem booting X window, is type “3” (no quotes) in the initial grub boot menu, to get to run level 3.

But if you find the installation is failing BEFORE you get to that point, then try a “Safe Settings” Installation, or press F3 when first installing and select a “text” install or a “vesa” install.

I apologize for my mistakes in spelling and grammar. xD

When I said “boot in 3 mode” I want to say “run level 3”. xD

I am sure I´ve burned the installation dvd correctly, I checked the md5sum.

I am going to try f3 and vesa instalation… May the force be with me installing opensuse 11.2 :stuck_out_tongue:

it´s the first time a linux distro gives me this kind of problems, i´ve installed ubuntu without problem, and I was really waiting for opensuse 11.2.

As i said: may the force be with me :stuck_out_tongue: xD

Thans anyway. :slight_smile:

Yes, may the force be with you. :slight_smile:

If the VESA install fails, try the text install.

Note that if (and after) the install completes successfully, there is a good chance you will still encounter a problem where your laptops screen goes black right at the end of booting (when X window is supposed to provide a GUI display).

This may happen because the open source (open GL) graphic driver for ATI appears to have some bugs, and because of that you may struggle with your " ati radeon xpress 1100 " card.

If you get to that point (which is further than what you have got so far) then please follow my advice in post #4 above: openSUSE Forums - View Single Post - Can’t not get 11.2 installed on my Laptop

Good luck.

I don´t understand anything…

I´ve download opensuse 11.2 gnome live 32 bits…and it boots without problems…I can see gnome desktop…I can execute openoffice…

This is incredible. :sarcastic::open_mouth: O_o

It could be the gnome live CD was burned to a better quality than the KDE live CD. … Or maybe Gnome is just better :open_mouth: (actually I’m jesting - I’m a big KDE fan)

I´ve installed opensuse 11.2 for the third time and when it´s running auto configuration it finish and goes to a text screen and then may screen goes black.

I´ve tried installing from gome 32 bit cd and it doesn´t give me any trouble, except in auto configuration, y reboot my laptop and then opensuse 11.2 is intalled…but in text mode

This is hopeless, I really hate opensuse 11.2. >:( >:( >:( >:(

batou, I can not explain the difference between the Gnome live CD and the KDE live CD. Its possible different packages were included with each.

In any event, on your KDE live CD, you should be able to get your ati radeon xpress 1100 graphics working with KDE. Did you try pressing F3 on that KDE live CD, and select “TEXT” or “VESA” as the installation mode? Once installation is complete (having selected VESA or TEXT installation mode) you can then follow my post#4 above, and change the driver to an open Source graphic driver.

Please note my post#4 above.

IMHO those sax2 commands should be run from run level 3. Not from a broken run level 5. Not from a terminal in run level 5. But from a clean boot to run level 3.

If you do not understand what run level 3 is, then please post here.

did you check the screen resolution because in an older version it would not let me view the desktop with a better monitor than the one i had originally did the install on. I don’t know if it would do that with the computer being a laptop, but you may want to try looking at that