On 07/18/2012 12:51 AM, Jim Henderson wrote:
> “It’s slow” or “it took a long time” - you might just as well say “my
> thing’s broke” - and I know how you and I both respond to users posting
> questions about openSUSE with that level of information: we ask for more
> specific information.
you can try all you wish to make the problems lie in the laps of the
forum users…but, i will not accept that burden! i did not cause this
problem and i can NOT provide specific information when the instructions
on how to collect those are so deficient!
imo if the admin’s can’t collect the data themselves then why do they
expect the forum users to be able to? maybe everyone else here knows
how to get it, but i need specific, clear and usable instructions on
where and how to collect the data the admins apparently have no
capability to themselves collect.
can the admins put together a how-to page (maybe in the read only
section of the forums how-tos…rather than a string of hints in various
past posts) that explains what to click on and where to look to find
exactly what to collect these “apparently extremely illusive” header
bits called “ProcessingTime”, “Via” and “Date”
to answer one of your questions:
“This is the login page itself - is that where the delay is?”
YES! sometimes the delay is on getting to the login page, or getting
to the user information page, or getting to the forums front page,
or getting to any particular thread’s page, or getting from one
thread page to another page in the same thread, or getting from a
thread to a user info page, or or or or or …
all of those delays have been reported for months (years?) by a wide
variety of users in various areas of the world on a dizzing variety of
hardware, browsers, operating sytems etc etc etc…
it is a constantly moving target…today, just now i have had no delays,
everything is fast–wow! i was wrong, i wrote “everything” and realized
i had not yet tried to login…clicking on login brings anecdotally
about three minutes later:
No data received
Unable to load the webpage because the server sent no data.
Here are some suggestions:
Reload this webpage later.
Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): The server closed the connection
without sending any data.
no, i will not spend another half hour clicking randomly through a
ctrl+shift+I window seeking without knowing how to find the needles in
that haystack!
this is my last post on the subject of slow forums, slow or impossible
logins or logouts.
hold a bake sale/car wash/contest/raffle and use the proceeds to hire
some offshore people to collect the data the paid (?) admins can’t collect.
or just make it my fault–because i’m not specific enough to be
non-ancedotal and helpful.