can't log out

seems we are back to can’t log out…

1 i click log out

2 get a chrome pop up asking “are you sure . . .”

3 click yes to that…

4 then get a page saying “You have successfully logged out.” (at

  1. go to and see i am logged in, still…



On Mon, 16 Jul 2012 16:42:56 +0000, dd wrote:

> seems we are back to can’t log out…
> 1 i click log out
> 2 get a chrome pop up asking “are you sure . . .”
> 3 click yes to that…
> 4 then get a page saying “You have successfully logged out.” (at
> 5. go to and see i am logged in, still…
> again.

If you do something after logged out that requires authentication?


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

On 07/16/2012 09:52 PM, Jim Henderson wrote:
> If you do something after logged out that requires authentication?

what does that mean? i press log out; i see “you are logged out”; i
close the tab (maybe even the entire browser); i go do other
stuff–maybe via nntp, maybe read on facebook a while, or do
email–maybe go to lunch and hibernate the machine;…two hours later i
go to the forums via nntp, see a thread from a user i don’t recognize,
click on his/her profile link (in the nntp message) and when i got to
the users forum page, i see i am still logged in…

today, that problem does not appear…i have, so far logged in twice and
logged out twice…works fine, except today i’m back to seeing extremely
long wait times to get to any page, or from any page to another…


On Tue, 17 Jul 2012 08:48:48 +0000, dd wrote:

> On 07/16/2012 09:52 PM, Jim Henderson wrote:
>> If you do something after logged out that requires authentication?
> what does that mean?

If you try to post (for example) after logging out and seeing it show
that you’re not logged out, are you able to post?

ie, are you able to do things after logging out that require that you
be authenticated in order for them to succeed, or if you do one of those
things, do you get prompted for login again?

> today, that problem does not appear…i have, so far logged in twice and
> logged out twice…works fine, except today i’m back to seeing extremely
> long wait times to get to any page, or from any page to another…

Not having that problem is good. Long wait times - if you can get the
“processingtime” header and the “via” header, that would help the IT guy
narrow things down. “long wait times” is difficult to quantify, specific
processing times and via headers tell us where to look and which specific
access gateway you’re accessing through on that request.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

On 07/17/2012 07:57 PM, Jim Henderson wrote:
>> what does that mean?
> If you try to post (for example) after logging out and seeing it show
> that you’re not logged out, are you able to post?

oh! now it makes perfect sense! (if it comes back i know what to try)

> Long wait times - if you can get the
> “processingtime” header and the “via” header, that would help

ok, i found this “If you could open the Chrome developer tools
(ctrl+shift+I) and load the page, have a look at the headers and report
back what the processingtime, via, and date headers (after the page has
finished loading), that would be very helpful.”

i am sure you explained how to do that, but i be dang if i can find a
“header” (after ctrl+shift+I) anywhere…

do i first click on a certain tab, i see: Elements, Resources, Network,
Sources, Timeline, Profiles, Audits, Console?? and depending on which of
those (at the top) you click on then you may or may not have more at the
bottom, like Documents, Stylesheets, Images Scripts, XHR etc etc etc etc

ok, i also found you wrote: “If you go into the network tab, click the
main php script for the page you’re loading and you’ll see “headers” -
there are response headers (the ones I mentioned - processingtime, via,
and date - and paste them into a message here.”

so, in the network tab i see no place to click “main php script”, so i
still find no headers…

this is very frustrating…

its a slow motion train wreck one day and then runs good a few days (or
hours)…then the weekend comes and . . .


On Tue, 17 Jul 2012 21:32:57 +0000, dd wrote:

> ok, i also found you wrote: “If you go into the network tab, click the
> main php script for the page you’re loading and you’ll see “headers” -
> there are response headers (the ones I mentioned - processingtime, via,
> and date - and paste them into a message here.”
> so, in the network tab i see no place to click “main php script”, so i
> still find no headers…

From there, click on the main php script (forum.php, or similar) and the
headers will show up. Sorry, I should’ve been more explicit on that.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

On 07/18/2012 12:01 AM, Jim Henderson wrote:
>> so, in the network tab i see no place to click “main php script”, so i
>> >still find no headers…
> From there, click on the main php script (forum.php, or similar) and the
> headers will show up.

-i am on a forum page:
-i press ctrl+shift+I
-a new bottom display opens
-i click on “Network”
-an empty grid pops up headed with name, method, status etc etc
-i click on Login (upper right)
-the empty grid is now alive with activity, then it stops
-i am now on the forum log in page
-i see 6 “include.php” files but none named main, forum or similar?
-i click on the first include.php and see a “Headers” tab where i find:

Request Method:GET
Status Code:200 OK
Request Headersview source
Cookie:user_language=en-us; suse_novell_redir=1;
User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.1 (KHTML, like
Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1180.0 Safari/537.1
Query String Parametersview URL encoded
Response Headersview source
Content-Type:application/x-javascript; charset=UTF-8
Date:Tue, 17 Jul 2012 22:14:29 GMT
Keep-Alive:timeout=2, max=100
Server:Apache/2.2.12 (Linux/SUSE)
Set-Cookie:ZNPCQ003-32363200=656b9a06; Path=/;
Via:1.1 (Access Gateway-ag-7CFDEB6C02633A18-778808)

where i see a “Via” and “Date:” header but no “processingtime” header!!

am i supposed to click on all six include.php and search them all for a
processingtime ??

-i look at two more headers and give up!!

-i click the back arrow and go back to the forum opening page
-i land on the page expected and now see a “forum.php”
-i click on it
-and see a header

Request URL:
Request Method:GET
Status Code:200 OK (from cache)

-now i see no “Via”, no “Date”, and no “processingtime”
-i pick another link at random: the one saying “Forums Feedback”
-the grid is alive, when it stops is see .js files, .css files, lots of
…png files, and a few .gif files–but, there are ZERO .png file

-i give up…the community has to solve this massive grab@ss crap
without my input.


On Tue, 17 Jul 2012 22:41:10 +0000, dd wrote:

> Via:1.1 (Access Gateway-ag-7CFDEB6C02633A18-778808)

This is the login page itself - is that where the delay is?

Normally when I see the delay it’s not loading the login page, it’s
loading the page after the login information has been entered (that would
be forum.php).

Looks like ProcessingTime might’ve been disabled, but the Via header is
still there.

If you don’t have the patience to help with data, that’s fine - but less
actual data makes it harder to diagnose. So for the purposes of
diagnosing the actual problem, just telling us “it’s slow” is anecdotal
and will just not get a response from here on out. Actual data from the
headers when it happens (the Via header is extremely useful because that
can be tracked to specific log data from what I understand - as well as
to the specific clustered resource that’s handling the request).

Anecdotes don’t help. Data helps.

“It’s slow” or “it took a long time” - you might just as well say “my
thing’s broke” - and I know how you and I both respond to users posting
questions about openSUSE with that level of information: we ask for more
specific information.

We need that here as well when the problem is happening.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

On Tue, 17 Jul 2012 22:41:10 +0000, dd wrote:

> Request URL:

These are request headers. So in the interest of being more specific, we
need the reply headers, since the server generates the Via header (the
client does not).



Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

On 07/18/2012 12:51 AM, Jim Henderson wrote:
> “It’s slow” or “it took a long time” - you might just as well say “my
> thing’s broke” - and I know how you and I both respond to users posting
> questions about openSUSE with that level of information: we ask for more
> specific information.

you can try all you wish to make the problems lie in the laps of the
forum users…but, i will not accept that burden! i did not cause this
problem and i can NOT provide specific information when the instructions
on how to collect those are so deficient!

imo if the admin’s can’t collect the data themselves then why do they
expect the forum users to be able to? maybe everyone else here knows
how to get it, but i need specific, clear and usable instructions on
where and how to collect the data the admins apparently have no
capability to themselves collect.

can the admins put together a how-to page (maybe in the read only
section of the forums how-tos…rather than a string of hints in various
past posts) that explains what to click on and where to look to find
exactly what to collect these “apparently extremely illusive” header
bits called “ProcessingTime”, “Via” and “Date”

to answer one of your questions:
“This is the login page itself - is that where the delay is?”

YES! sometimes the delay is on getting to the login page, or getting
to the user information page, or getting to the forums front page,
or getting to any particular thread’s page, or getting from one
thread page to another page in the same thread, or getting from a
thread to a user info page, or or or or or …

all of those delays have been reported for months (years?) by a wide
variety of users in various areas of the world on a dizzing variety of
hardware, browsers, operating sytems etc etc etc…

it is a constantly moving target…today, just now i have had no delays,
everything is fast–wow! i was wrong, i wrote “everything” and realized
i had not yet tried to login…clicking on login brings anecdotally
about three minutes later:

No data received
Unable to load the webpage because the server sent no data.
Here are some suggestions:
Reload this webpage later.
Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): The server closed the connection
without sending any data.

no, i will not spend another half hour clicking randomly through a
ctrl+shift+I window seeking without knowing how to find the needles in
that haystack!

this is my last post on the subject of slow forums, slow or impossible
logins or logouts.

hold a bake sale/car wash/contest/raffle and use the proceeds to hire
some offshore people to collect the data the paid (?) admins can’t collect.

or just make it my fault–because i’m not specific enough to be
non-ancedotal and helpful.



On Wed, 18 Jul 2012 06:50:32 +0000, dd wrote:

> you can try all you wish to make the problems lie in the laps of the
> forum users…but, i will not accept that burden! i did not cause this
> problem and i can NOT provide specific information when the instructions
> on how to collect those are so deficient!

I am NOT trying to put the blame on forum users. But the more data we
have, the easier it is to track problems down. That’s common sense.

If you’re not willing to provide data, that’s fine with me. But as I’ve
stated repeatedly, reports with no data are not helpful to us.
Intermittent problems are difficult to reproduce, so when someone can
reproduce it we WANT as much hard data as we can get.

So if you have data to pass, please pass it. If you just have
complaints, then they’ll be noted (most likely without comment) and we’ll
move on because without hard data the reports are not useful to us.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at