I have a desktop running OpenSuse 13.1. About a week ago I followed the usual prompts and installed some updates. Now when I use firefox, I get a message saying that flash player has been blocked every time that I go to a website that uses it. I don’t mind that so much, but when I go to Spotify, It give me a message window “Please install Adobe Flash, its free.” I don’t get the option to allow flash, and I can’t listen to any music.
I decided to go into yast and I tried to downgrade the version of Firefox and Flash, but it didn’t work. Below are the versions that I use now. What else can I do?
So it was blocked. There should be a new version available as a couple of days a ago and the blue text in the picture indicates a newer version is available. Look at the version tab in yast
Thanks gogalthorp. Yes. I did have the latest version installed. My problems started after I updated last week. I tried to go back the older version, but that doesn’t seem to work either. What else can I do?
On 2015-07-20 02:56, treeup wrote:
> Thanks gogalthorp. Yes. I did have the latest version installed. My
> problems started after I updated last week. I tried to go back the
> older version, but that doesn’t seem to work either. What else can I
> do?
You must update to the newest version. Any other version is
intentionally blocked.
I can use flash on other sites. At http://www.adobe.com/es/software/flash/about/ I have to click on activate adobe flash. Then firefox pops up a dialogue that says “Allow www.adobe.com to run adobe flash?” I click on “Allow Now” and it works. Similar thing on Weather.com. Spotify doesn’t do that however, so I’m kind of stuck. I have been looking for some kind of work around.
On 2015-07-21 03:46, treeup wrote:
> I can use flash on other sites. At
> http://www.adobe.com/es/software/flash/about/ I have to click on
> activate adobe flash. Then firefox pops up a dialogue that says “Allow
> ‘www.adobe.com’ (http://www.adobe.com) to run adobe flash?” I click on
> “Allow Now” and it works. Similar thing on Weather.com. Spotify
> doesn’t do that however, so I’m kind of stuck. I have been looking for
> some kind of work around.
Then the fault is with “spotify”, not with openSUSE or Flash.
I tried the site, but it wants registration, so I did not go further.
It appears there is a Linux client, and on google I found links to
installing it on several Linux flavours.
More I can’t say.
You did not say what exact error you get on that site :-?
Thank you for your comments. There is a client, but I haven’t used it. I’ve just used it on their website. I may try the client sometime, but I think I have to convert deb to rpm or something so I will have to do some homework. I doubt that it will work anyway.
On 2015-07-21 16:56, treeup wrote:
> Thank you for your comments. There is a client, but I haven’t used it.
> I’ve just used it on their website. I may try the client sometime, but
> I think I have to convert deb to rpm or something so I will have to do
> some homework. I doubt that it will work anyway.
I see. So it /thinks/ you haven’t flash installed. I noticed one site
(http://www.radiotunes.com/) where, if I don’t allow flash
soon after I get the prompt, the site thinks I don’t have it and bails
out. So the solution is to either white list the site (I use FlashBlock,
not the native FF utility), or be faster. Or tell the plugin to allow
always, at least temporarily.
Or sites may be looking for the Windows version, which has a higher
number, I believe.
I accessed the add-ons menu in FireFox and clicked on the “Always Activate” Flash. Spotify works now. I tried this a few days ago, but the only options I saw last time was “Ask to Activate” and “Never Activate”. At least that is how I remember it. I’ve been without Spotify for at least a week, so its good to have some music again.
How can I whitelist Spotify only? I would rather not “Always Activate” Flash. Perhaps I will install Flash Block when I have some time. It looks like a nice utility.
On 2015-07-21 22:56, treeup wrote:
> Robin, your assessment is right on.
> I accessed the add-ons menu in FireFox and clicked on the “Always
> Activate” Flash. Spotify works now. I tried this a few days ago, but
> the only options I saw last time was “Ask to Activate” and “Never
> Activate”. At least that is how I remember it. I’ve been without
> Spotify for at least a week, so its good to have some music again.
> How can I whitelist Spotify only? I would rather not “Always Activate”
> Flash. Perhaps I will install Flash Block when I have some time. It
> looks like a nice utility.
I don’t know, I think there is no such feature, unless you install Flash
Block addon.
It is currently Flashblock by Philip Chee, and then
leave the flash plugin at “always activate”.
I have been using it for many years. Some time ago my old computer could
barely display one flash animation, and some pages had several, and I
had several tabs open… it made the entire computer horribly slow. And
often they were big, of streamed things from internet, when my Internet
connection was slow…
So I got a recommendation to install flashblock. The object or frame
where flash would display is replaced with a grey rectangle of the
correct size, with a play button in the middle. Till you hit it, the
animation is not loaded.