cant join windows network

hi all, i use my laptop which has 11.1 on it and i connect to the works workgroup via wireless, i was able to connect not long ago but all of a suddon i cant seem to see the network at all, i think this may have something to do with the wireless driver as i can connect to the internet fine which means the wireless is working, but i cannot see the network of computers thats on the same network. Also the button on my laptop that notifies me of wireless connection is not lit, yet the internet works via the wireless…

can someone explain this weird thing? and also give me a fix?


Just a wild guess – but is it possible you’ve connected to a different wireless network from the work LAN, like the office in the next building?

no im definatly on the right network, but cannot see the other work computers/servers and the wireless light on my laptop says its disconnected yet its connected because i can search the web

could it have something to do with the samba? when i got places>network servers>windows networks. in the text field it says smb:/// isnt samba a created server?

  1. Try it with the firewall off. Test by opening a Gnome terminal and entering this to switch it off. It will stay off until a reboot. The command is case sensitive:
sudo /sbin/rcSuSEfirewall2 stop

See then if you can see any servers on the LAN.

  1. Another thing, Nautilus fails as a network browser for version Nautilus 2.22.?. What’s your version (nautilus → Help → About).

  2. Another possibility: Is name resolution switched on. Execute this in a console:

sudo /sbin/rcnmb status
sudo /sbin/rcsmb status

They should both return: “running”

  1. Perhaps this — Is name resolution configured properly: Paste smb.conf (the Samba config file) here so we can see (use cat /etc/samba/smb.conf and then copy/paste).

Also, try pinging a known IP within your network. If it works, then it may be a DNS issue. What are you trying to do, open a network share? Try smb:/<IP-ADDRESS>/share.

ok i turned the firewall off and bam it works now, how do i configure the firewall to allow this domain?

There’s a step-by-step for that here: SuSEfirewall2: HowTo open Ports for Services in the Suse / openSUSE Firewall
In particular see this: APPENDIX: Opening the Firewall for Samba