Just bought a used box with an Asrock P4i65GV motherboard. Many attempts to install openSUSE 32bit on it have failed. 12.3 and 13.1. It stalls at “Search for Linux partitions” even if I pre-partition it. It stalls at the same point with Debian, Centos, Knoppix, Puppy, any Linux I have tried. But here’s the mysterious part. Windows XP installs and runs just fine. I really can’t or won’t use Windows. Searches with Google indicate that there are Linux users with this machine and none of their problems are with installation.
Any ideas or comments would be much appreciated, even if they involve other distributions.
On 2014-08-05, ionmich <ionmich@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org> wrote:
> Just bought a used box with an Asrock P4i65GV motherboard. Many attempts
> to install openSUSE 32bit on it have failed. 12.3 and 13.1. It stalls at
> “Search for Linux partitions” even if I pre-partition it. It stalls at
> the same point with Debian, Centos, Knoppix, Puppy, any Linux I have
> tried.
Just a couple of thoughtsi (assuming you are installing from DVD - I’d stick to 13.1):
Try waiting a really long time - I’ve had waits of ~hour on some machines.
Try booting the DVD setting the kernel to fail-safe mode before installing.
> Just bought a used box with an Asrock P4i65GV motherboard. Many attempts
> to install openSUSE 32bit on it have failed. 12.3 and 13.1. It stalls at
> “Search for Linux partitions” even if I pre-partition it. It stalls at
> the same point with Debian, Centos, Knoppix, Puppy, any Linux I have
> tried. But here’s the mysterious part. Windows XP installs and runs just
> fine. I really can’t or won’t use Windows. Searches with Google indicate
> that there are Linux users with this machine and none of their problems
> are with installation.
> Any ideas or comments would be much appreciated, even if they involve
> other distributions.
Please select [Compatible Mode] when you install legacy OS (Windows
ME / 98SE) into SATA device. If you install legacy OS into IDE HDD while
SATA devices are used, you also need to select [Compatible Mode].
If native OS (Windows 2000 / XP) is installed into SATA device, please
select [Enhanced Mode]. You also need to select [Enhanced Mode]
while native OS is installed into IDE HDD and SATA devices are used.
If you do not install any SATA device, please also select [Enhanced Mode]
no matter you use legacy OS or native OS for the system.
Please note that the following options will be varied depending on the
“OnBoard IDE Operate Mode”([Compatible Mode] or [Enhanced Mode]) that you selected.
When [Enhanced Mode] is selected:
OnBoard IDE Controller
You may enable either the primary IDE channel or the secondary IDE channel.
Or you may enable both the primary and the secondary IDE channels by
selecting [Both]. Set to [Disabled] will disable the both. Configuration options:
[Disabled], [Primary], [Secondary], [Both].
When [Compatible Mode] is selected
Combined Mode Option
It allows you to select between [Pri IDE + SATA] and [SATA + Sec IDE]. If
it is set to [Pri IDE + SATA], then the secondary IDE will not work. Likewise,
if it is set to [SATA + Sec IDE], then the primary IDE will not work.
You have no idea how much this has done for me. I’ve spent the last two days trying to get this box up and running. It’s now doing a YaST update. Thank you VERY much.