Can't find the npm installation folder, need it to configure Webstorm

I have WebStorm 2017.3.5 (latest).

When I tried to start webpack-devserver via npm tool window, i got this:

“Please specify npm or yarn package”.

The interesting part is that when i run the same script via

npm run start

It works like a charm; but Webstorm refuses to do the same.
Okay, i started googling and found out that i need to specify npm root folder. The folder is

artyom@linux-09ga:/usr/bin> which npm  

So i tried “/usr/bin/npm”, “/usr/bin”, “/usr/bin/npm6”, “/usr” with no success, i keep getting “cannot find bin/npm-cli.js”.

Seems that i need to find the path to that file. Alright, i googled more and found the following command:

artyom@linux-09ga:/usr/bin> npm root -g   

And i tried again with that directory, but then i got “no such directory” message. I checked manually, and yes, /usr/local/lib is empty.

So basically my task now is to find the npm-cli.js file somehow. Does someone know where npm is installed to on SUSE?

Accidentally ran into the right path by checking every folder in root.

The path is


People on the internet often find it in simular paths, like /usr/lib/something.
If you run into same problem, try to find node_modules directory in /usr/lib or usr/lib64, or their subfolders. According to people on the internet, paths could be… unusual, i’d say. Posting just in case someone comes from google.

Wouldn’t a simple

find / -name npm-cli.js

have showed you where it is?