Can't Export a DISPLAY in a Cron job

I have just upgraded from leap 15.3 to 15.5. In the past I have been able to run the following from either a terminal or an SSH shell and it would work:

julian@Cumulus:~> export DISPLAY=:0.0
julian@Cumulus:~> xeyes

and it would work fine. Now it does not work from an SSH session (I am still logged in as the same user on the console that is DISPLAY 0.0.

I get:

julian@Cumulus:~> export DISPLAY=:0.0
julian@Cumulus:~> xeyes
Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyAuthorization required, but no authorization protocol specified
Error: Can't open display: :0.0

Any suggestions as to what has changed and how I may be able to export to a DISPLAY again?



Please ignore. Looks like xhost got reset in the upgrade!


I hope that, you realise that, Leap 15.5 is “Leap 15.5 RC” – “Release Candidate” …