Can't edit .ovpn file in Network Manager; 'save' grayed out

This seems to be my day for configuration problems. :expressionless: I don’t think this problem is related to:

In the past, I have added a VPN connection by clicking the Network Manager icon in the task bar, then Network Connections+Import a saved VPN configuration and opening the .ovpn file I want to edit/configure.

Now, the ‘Save’ button is grayed out. I can edit the fields, but can’t save the configuration.

I haven’t tried to edit VPN settings for months, and don’t know when this problem started. I’m now on snapshot 20180903.

Fixed it! Running nm-connection-editor in a terminal let me see error messages, including:

Cannot save connection due to error: Invalid setting VPN: ca: No key set

Plugging the line above into a search engine brought up recent posts from users with similar problems."Cannot+save+connection+due+to+error%3A+Invalid+setting+VPN%3A+ca%3A+No+key+set"&oq="Cannot+save+connection+due+to+error%3A+Invalid+setting+VPN%3A+ca%3A+No+key+set"&gs_l=psy-ab.3...639.1373.0.1678.

The culprit is a bug, either in NetworkManager or Gnome. I followed the workaround offered by others in entering something for “CA private key.” This setting seems to be ignored, but allows the new .ovpn file to be saved and used.