Can't Edit kde Menu

I have openSUSE 11.0 with KDE 3.5.

I’ve been having lots of problems lately with my system, one of which is that I cannot make any changes to the kde menu. I tried right-clicking, making changes and saving, however the changes are never implemented. So I tried running kmenuedit, and after saving and exiting, I get the following errors in the console:

“X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3
Major opcode: 20
Minor opcode: 0
Resource id: 0x4a00399
QInputContext: cannot create input context for non-toplevel widgets
QInputContext: cannot create input context for non-toplevel widgets”

Any ideas? Thanks!

testing something out, ignore

Has anyone encountered this issue or know how to resolve it?

I have no problem in kde3 on OS11 - editing the menu on either of my machines.

Sorry can’t really offer advice.

Could try a new .kde folder to see if it’s user related, but I suspect not.

Try the following command then logout/in:
$ kbuildsycoca

After trying kbuildsycoca I got the following:
“kbuildsycoca running…
Reusing existing ksycoca”

Nothing had changed after logging back in

Make sure that the ~/.local/share/applications and ~/.config/menus directories are owned by your user name and that you are authorized to modify the content. If not, then:

$ sudo chown -R <USERNAME>: ~/.local/share/applications
$ sudo chown -R <USERNAME>: ~/.config/menus

I am the owner of those folders and all contents within them.

I have no other ideas than to create a default Kmenu.
You prior config file will be saved as so you can restore if desired.

$ mv ~/.config/menus/ ~/.config/menus/
$ killall -9 kicker
$ kicker

So after doing that, I get the following:

KMenuBase::setProperty( "frameShadow", value ) failed: property invalid, read-only or does not exist
KMenuBase::setProperty( "frameShape", value ) failed: property invalid, read-only or does not exist
david@linux-t5kb:~> QObject::connect: No such signal Kicker::settingsChanged(SettingsCategory)
QObject::connect:  (sender name:   'kicker')
QObject::connect:  (receiver name: 'animtt')

And when I try to make changes to the menu and save I get the following:

X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3
  Major opcode:  19
  Minor opcode:  0
  Resource id:  0x4400008

and the changes aren’t saved.

Sorry for hijacking but I reckon it’ll be better to post similar problems in 1 thread rather than creating a new one. :slight_smile:

Here’s my problem, after installing a new application (KRename), it doesn’t show up at the SUSE Menu. The “New Applications” section is gone as well. I’ve followed Cryovac’s advice but to no avail. :open_mouth:

Any ideas what went wrong? :frowning: