Can't delete pictures with ptpfs

Running Opensuse 11.2 with gnome. When I connect a Fuji digital camera, a new USB PTP camera mount point appears on the desktop. I can browse and copy pictures from it but I can’t delete anything. Looks like the mount point is read only :

me@mypc:~/.gvfs/Montage de gphoto2 sur usb%3A001,005/DCIM/100_FUJI> ll
total 63241
-rw------- 1 me users 3048080 oct. 25 16:19 DSCF0761.JPG
-rw------- 1 me users 3049711 oct. 25 16:19 DSCF0762.JPG

The only way I found to be able to edit the directory is with gtkam. Is there a way I can enble full access to the mount point without using additional software?