Can't connect to WIFI using OpenSUSE Leap 42.1

i just installed OpenSUSE for the first time and I can’t seem to connect to the WIFI. When I go to Settings> Netowkr> it just brings up the error saying “NetWorkManager needs to be running” and when I go to this YaST2 thing it shows me my ethernet and WIFI adapater but next to it says “Not Configured”
so im just a little confused on how I can connect to my WIFI. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Use Yast Network Settings.

You seem to have tried that, so you know how to get there.

The opening screen will want to configure devices. Ignore that, and click on the “Global Options” tab.

Under “Network Setup Method”, you will probably see that you are using “Wicked Service”. Switch that to “NetworkManager Service”. Then click “Okay” (or maybe it is “Next” or “Finish”).

After that, you should be able to use NetworkManager for network settings.