Can't boot into other OS's after Tumbleweed install

I have successfully installed tumbleweed and it is working fine I can boot into it without any issues. I have windows and Linux mint installed on the laptop too, windows isn’t showing on the boot menu at all and mint will only boot into recovery mode. I have checked the settings in yast and it is set up to probe for foreign is.

Hi, welcome to these forums

What does

sudo os-prober

give. Please, post output here, between CODE tags, the # in the editor.

All OS must use the same boot method. Fast boot must be off in Windows.

Thanks for your answer
This is my output for that command:

/dev/sda7:Linux Mint 19 Tara (19):Linux mint:linux
/dev/sda8: elementary OS 5.0 Juno (5.0): elementary:linux

Not seeing Windows so probably Fastboot is on you hibernated it