Can't boot after upgrade to 12.3 on encrypted root

Good day, to all of you!
Unfortunately, it have been not so good for me.

I have the following setup:

   Device Boot  Id  System
/dev/sda1   *   83  Linux       /boot
/dev/sda2       8e  Linux LVM   encrypted partition for LVM

/dev/lvm00/root      /
/dev/lvm00/home      /home
/dev/lvm00/swap      swap

With 12.2 (i586) everything worked flawlessly, until I’ve upgraded to 12.3. Upgrade was done according to No errors where displayed at the end, just note, that I need to restart to update files being in use. And after reboot system won’t start anymore. If I press ESC, than I see endless

Volume group lvm00 not found
Reading all physical volumes. This may take a while...
No volume groups found
PARTIAL MODE. Incomplete logical volumes will be processed.

But if I boot from rescue cd, I can manually mount and chroot to my system:

/# pvs
  /dev/sdb: open failed: No medium found
  PV                     VG    Fmt  Attr PSize   PFree
  /dev/mapper/cryptdev00 lvm00 lvm2 a--  297.84g    0
/# vgs
  /dev/sdb: open failed: No medium found
  VG    #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize   VFree
  lvm00   1   3   0 wz--n- 297.84g    0
/# lvs
  /dev/sdb: open failed: No medium found
  LV   VG    Attr      LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Move Log Copy%  Convert
  home lvm00 -wi-a---- 257.84g                                           
  root lvm00 -wi-a----  32.00g                                           
  swap lvm00 -wi-a----   8.00g                                          

There is similar thread with no solution:

Any ideas?

With several people having a problem with this it looks like upgrade does not work well for this kind of setup.

So you did not say how you upgraded. There are many potential ways some may work better then others.

I have a similar setup. Everything is working fine.

The difference is probably that I did a clean install (keeping my “/home” partition). I used the identical partitioning for 12.3 that I had for 12.2 (I used “import partitioning” in the installer).

Perhaps that suggests a flaw in testing. That is, there are probably too few people who are upgrading to Beta releases, so not testing whether upgrade works well.

On 2013-05-22 03:26, gogalthorp wrote:

> So you did not say how you upgraded.

Yes, he did: following the documented procedure on that link, ie, a
zypper dup, aka online system upgrade.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)

Was update successful? I had to restart zypper several times because it ended prematurely (in my case I believe it was due to D-Bus update killing NetworkManager and so losing network).

So I would

a) run zypper in chroot just to make sure it did not miss anything
b) recreated initrd using “mkinitrd” in chroot.

Make sure to have mounted /boot, /sys, /dev, /proc and /run in chroot (may be /var/run as well). /boot is obvious, for others

mount --bind /dev /chroot/dev
... etc

before you chroot.

On 2013-05-21 22:56, D E wrote:

> But if I boot from rescue cd, I can manually mount and chroot to my
> system:

The 12.3 rescue CD?

I’m not familiar with LVM myself, can not give advice on the errors you see.

> There is similar thread with no solution:
> Any ideas?

I can suggest an alternative to method described in post #4 there: do an
online system upgrade from 12.3 to 12.3, using the full DVD.

Offline upgrade

It /might/ work - if the DVD can mount the LVM.

Another possibility is removing plymouth (during the upgrade). I know it
works booting to text mode with encrypted partitions, dunno about
graphical mode, I have not tested it. And I don’t test LVM setups.

Ok, tested, it is possible to boot to graphical mode (level 5) without
plymouth and encrypted partition, at least on my virtual test machine
(splash=verbose). It starts booting in text mode, at some point it asks
for the password, continues, and the switches to graphical mode.

But remember, no LVM here, just plain encrypted data partition.

I think there is a boot command option to dissable plymouth - let me see
if I can find it.

Someone says to remove the “splash=silent”. Maybe also the “quiet” word.

Ah, found it. You add “plymouth.enable=0” to kernel boot line in grub.
You can do that as a temporary change, press “e” when grub2 menu appears.

You can try this before doing anything drastic as suggested above, with
the current system.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)

After some time, spent searching internet and digging up in my own backups, the system is up and running again. Apparently, the problem was that in 12.3 some packages got splintered and “zypper dup” doesn’t install these new parts. The solution for the “not booting”, “No volume groups found”, “Partial mode”, etc problem is to get the system in question into chroot, set up networking and install missing “cryptsetup-mkinitrd” package, calling mkinitrd afterwards.

Thanks to All!

Sadly we can’t mark threads as solved.

On 2013-05-22 13:16, D E wrote:
> After some time, spent searching internet and digging up in my own
> backups, the system is up and running again. Apparently, the problem was
> that in 12.3 some packages got splintered and “zypper dup” doesn’t
> install these new parts. The solution for the “not booting”, “No volume
> groups found”, “Partial mode”, etc problem is to get the system in
> question into chroot, set up networking and install missing
> “cryptsetup-mkinitrd” package, calling mkinitrd afterwards.

I think you should create a bugzilla on this, so that devs solve it.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)

On 05/22/2013 07:16 AM, D E pecked at the keyboard and wrote:
> After some time, spent searching internet and digging up in my own
> backups, the system is up and running again. Apparently, the problem was
> that in 12.3 some packages got splintered and “zypper dup” doesn’t
> install these new parts. The solution for the “not booting”, “No volume
> groups found”, “Partial mode”, etc problem is to get the system in
> question into chroot, set up networking and install missing
> “cryptsetup-mkinitrd” package, calling mkinitrd afterwards.
> Thanks to All!
> Sadly we can’t mark threads as solved.

On 2013-05-22 23:07, Ken Schneider wrote:

>> Sadly we can’t mark threads as solved.

I think you can add tags, but I don’t what they are.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)