Can't boot after installation

Hi there!
I have old netbook HP mini 210-2003. And I decided install Tumbleweed for it. In first time I’ve tried to install net version, but after install I couldn’t boot it. Then I tried DVD install, but after install I couldn’t boot it too.
I have 2 screenshot for simple boot and recovery boot.](](

I will be appreciate for any decides.

looks like root isn’t accessable
how did you partition (auto or manual) and what file system did you use for root
maybe you forgot a root mount point?
does that machine have another OS?
if you 're playing around did you try the live version and see if / is there and accessable

This sounds like you boot without initrd. Can you boot live image and upload /boot/grub2/grub.cfg to, as well as output of “ls -lR /boot” (adjust path to your actual mount points).

In this netbook only one OS.
I’ve create this FS:
/boot as Ext4
/ as btrfs
/home as Ext4

Please look at the attach picture.](
I suppose that my grub2 is empty… This is normal?

I tried to reinstall Tumbleweed and it seems my problem is obvious. During Install (about 97%) in time of saving Grub2 settings I got this error message!](](

Anybody know what’s wrong and what can I do?

Open bug report. This is either something very new (I installed TW just a couple of days ago) or related to your package selection or platform (I do not use 32 bit).

a bug report does seam as the thing to do
but keep in mind 32bit is legacy and it has been dropped on opensuse’s stable (leap) releases
I’d say try the live version maybe you can get around your issue
you can install the live version on your device if you don’t like kde there is live gnome
or you can install what ever deskop you like after you’ve installed it to you hdd

I’ve followed your advice, but unfortunately it not boot too.

And I’ve created bug report about it few days ago, but nobody is responded.