Can't apply kde theme

Hi. I’ve been trying to change my default kde theme (the opensuse one, it looks awful IMO) to some other. At first I tried one of the other 2, but despite I chose them and clicked ‘Apply’, I still got the opensuse one. I removed all of them and downloaded ‘Glassified KDM’. Now the logging screen looks more KDE 3.5 style - I can’t really describe it, but it definitely isn’t the opensuse one, nor glassified.

Why is there a simple GUI wizard in opensuse, when it obviously does not work? Does anyone have the same problem as me?

Are we to assume this is openSUSE 11.1 and kde4 with kwin WM? And that you are changing or tying to change the theme in the Configure Desktop?

yes, it’s opensuse 11.1 with KDE 4.2.1, but, as far as i recall, this problem also appeared in KDE 4.1.3. And yes, i use this systm settings wizard with 'login screen, option under ‘advanced’ tab.

I Found a workaround.

I found the folder kdm stores themes in, and deleted folder “SUSE” (With the theme it was always loading). After that I copied Glassified folder as SUSE, so I fooled kdm into thinking it loads SuSE theme.

Now it works well, but it’s pity I still don’t know why the GUI program failed. (kdmrc file points to Glassified theme, but it still loaded SUSE)

I just put the Glassified theme here:

select from right click desktop