Can't add Virtualbox as Repository

Earlier i installed Virtualbox from Package Repository. Now VB Repository doesn’t work anymore. I only get en error-msg if i try to ad VB in Package Repository.

I’ve been always adviced to install from repos than downloading. What happens with Virtualbox?

Without knowing the exact error messages we can not help much…

Of course, and i see i forgot to mention that i have Virtualbox-OSE 3.2.6-1.4 installed on OpenSUSE 11.3 64bits.

Well the only error-msg i get when trying to add VG Repo is as easy as this: Can’t add to repository OpenSUSE BuildService - Virtualization(VirtualBox)

I’ve been reading at that OSE is only offered as Source Codes and not executable. This can be the reason, but the running version was installed from repo.

Virtual Box (Sun Version) Install HowTo

If you want to use the Sun/Oracle version - you need to remove OSE version

Which URL did you use? I seems like it recently changed:

The old one (Virtualization:/VirtualBox/) seems dead.

Either way: are you sure you prefer the OSE-version? The PUEL-version is provided by a repo as well:

Thanks allot!
I was confused about OSE vs non-OSE and had OSE-installed since it was the only version i got trough Repository at that time.
Now its changed and i doesn’t get OSE trough repo.

I did what you mention and i have now the latest PUEL-version installed and everything worked perfect :slight_smile:
Thanks again!