Printer installed using CUPS with firewall disabled. Tests and prints fine. Unable to configure firewall correctly. Can somebody please provide detailed firewall settings to permit operation with firewall, some pic’s or screen shots would be helpful. TIA
How is your printer URI defined (eg by IP address, hostname, MAC address)? Post the output of the following…
lpstat -t
Ordinarily I wouldn’t expect the firewall to prevent printer communication, but it can block the initial printer discovery process for configuration. (If using explicit IP addressing that shouldn’t be an issue though).
This thread may be of value to you
I notice this information is also provided by CUPS.
Andy@linux-cz1z:~> lpstat -t
scheduler is running
system default destination: Canon_MG6200_series
device for Canon_MG6200_series: dnssd://Canon%20MG6200%20series._ipp._tcp.local/
Canon_MG6200_series accepting requests since Mon 06 Feb 2017 20:39:55 GMT
printer Canon_MG6200_series now printing Canon_MG6200_series-43. enabled since Mon 06 Feb 2017 20:39:55 GMT
Unable to locate printer.
Canon_MG6200_series-43 unknown 1024 Mon 06 Feb 2017 20:39:55 GMT
Please advise further. Thanks
Ah, so your configuration is relying on DNS service discovery (Avahi) listening on port 5353 by default. Make sure that Zeroconf/Bonjour Multicast service is allowed.
This HPLIP guide concerning SuSEfirewall2 configuration may be useful to you
Thanks for the response. Not at PC right now but will try suggestion a little later. Actually the Zeroconf’ option did occur to me but I didn’t try it. This service is to be allowed under the Internal Zone correct? Do I need to open the 5353 port under the advanced options if so is this tcp, udp or both? Should the “permit internal zone” radio button be selected? Thanks for the link, I used to have an HP printer that worked fine until the sheet feeder eventually gave up the ghost after 8 years. So I dragged out the Canon, which was amongst my kids stuff, seems to work fine apart from this issue. Appreciate the help.
Zeroconf/Bonjour Multicast service set in External Zone. Printer now functioning as expected. Thanks for the help, appreciate it.
Glad to have been of help.
FWIW, a nice blog explaining how the CUPS dnssd backend works for those that may be interested.