cannot use USB on virtualbox

Hi guys,

I’ve just installed Virtual Box for my OpenSUSE 12.2, KDE4.9. I added myself to vboxusers group, installed VirtualBox Extension Pack. I also checked that there’s a file 60-vboxdrv.rules in folder /etc/udev/rules.d/. But when I come to virtual machine (Windows XP), it detected the USB but grayed out in the menu bar, so I cannot use it.

Thanks for your helps!

PS: Below is the content of file 60-vboxdrv.rules

KERNEL=="vboxdrv", NAME="vboxdrv", OWNER="root", GROUP="root", MODE="0600"#these two lines give access permission to vboxusers to properly work with usb nodes, this could be security risk (bnc#664520) !!
#SUBSYSTEM=="usb_device",ATTR{devnum}=="?*",ATTR{busnum}=="?*",SYMLINK+="vboxusb/$attr{busnum}/$attr{devnum}",RUN+="/usr/bin/setfacl -m g:vboxusers:6 /dev/vboxusb/$attr{busnum}/$attr{devnum}"
#SUBSYSTEM=="usb",ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device",ATTR{devnum}=="?*",ATTR{busnum}=="?*",SYMLINK+="vboxusb/$attr{busnum}/$attr{devnum}",RUN+="/usr/bin/setfacl -m g:vboxusers:6 /dev/vboxusb/$attr{busnum}/$attr{devnum}"

And why do you not post this in the Virtualization forum here? That is where Virualization people (inclusing those that use VirtualBox) are lurking to see if interesting problems arive.

PS Please, this is not an invitaion to make a doible post, because we hate double posting.
When you, contemplating this, decide that it could have been better over there, please ask to move it.

Uncomment the 2 lines with ‘SUBSYSTEM’ (remove the #). Then restart.

hcvv wrote:

> And why do you not post this in the Virtualization forum here? That is
> where Virualization people (inclusing those that use VirtualBox) are
> lurking to see if interesting problems arive.
> PS Please, this is not an invitaion to make a doible post, because
> we hate double posting.
> When you, contemplating this, decide that it could have been better
> over there, please ask to move it.
interesting. I have 12.2 64 bit, KDE 4.9.5 latest updates and Latest
Virtualbox 4.2.6 installed from Oracle rpm. My rules.d is 10-
vboxdrv.rules. Also slight different from yours:


KERNEL==“vboxdrv”, NAME=“vboxdrv”, OWNER=“root”, GROUP=“root”,
KERNEL==“vboxnetctl”, NAME=“vboxnetctl”, OWNER=“root”, GROUP=“root”,
SUBSYSTEM==“usb_device”, ACTION==“add”,
RUN+="/usr/share/virtualbox/ $major $minor
SUBSYSTEM==“usb”, ACTION==“add”, ENV{DEVTYPE}==“usb_device”,
RUN+="/usr/share/virtualbox/ $major $minor
SUBSYSTEM==“usb_device”, ACTION==“remove”,
RUN+="/usr/share/virtualbox/ --remove $major $minor"
SUBSYSTEM==“usb”, ACTION==“remove”, ENV{DEVTYPE}==“usb_device”,
RUN+="/usr/share/virtualbox/ --remove $major $minor"

I have usb devices (4) and all work.

Not sure if this will help you

openSUSE 12.2(Linux 3.4.11-2.16-desktop x86_64)|
KDE 4.9.5 “release 3”|Intel core2duo 2.5 MHZ,|8GB DDR3|GeForce

thank you. it worked now

interesting. I have 12.2 64 bit, KDE 4.9.5 latest updates and Latest Virtualbox 4.2.6 installed from Oracle rpm. My rules.d is 10-vboxdrv.rules. Also slight different from yours:

I have 12.2 32bit, lastest virtualbox 4.2.6 also, but I installed from opensuse

PS Please, this is not an invitaion to make a doible post, because we hate double posting.
When you, contemplating this, decide that it could have been better over there, please ask to move it.

Sorry, I didn’t notice that there’s a forum for virtualazation. How can I ask to move this topic to there?

This is enough :wink:

Will be moved.


I am getting the same limitation of having the usb drived greyed out when inside the guest. I dont have the vboxdrv.rules file present in the udev folder. What can I do? By the way, all the usb drives are identified at the filters settings.

It is in /usr/lib/udev/. Just copy it over to /etc/udev/rules.d/ and edit it.


Not sure if you have solved this issue yet but I have ran in to a similar problem at work.

I currently virtualize openSUSE 12.3 via VirtualBox on my Windows machine whilst working (use openSUSE 12.3 at home).

One of our customers was attempting to use one of our USB products in a USB 3.0 port in VirtualBox, it turns out that VirtualBox doesn’t yet support USB 3.0 ports. Only 2.0 is supported. The only other virtualizing software that I know can support USB 3.0 ports is VMware.

I’m new to Linux and just trying to help anyone out with any virtualizing problems which I have come across myself.



Similar to OP I installed VirtualBox 4.2.16 64-bit on OpenSuse 12.3, added myself to vboxusers group, installed VirtualBox Extension Pack, and enabled USB 2.0 EHCI in the VBox settings.
/etc/udev/rules.d/10-vboxdrv.rules is as follows:

KERNEL=="vboxdrv", NAME="vboxdrv", OWNER="root", GROUP="root", MODE="0600"KERNEL=="vboxnetctl", NAME="vboxnetctl", OWNER="root", GROUP="root", MODE="0600"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb_device", ACTION=="add", RUN+="/usr/share/virtualbox/ $major $minor $attr{bDeviceClass}"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="add", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", RUN+="/usr/share/virtualbox/ $major $minor $attr{bDeviceClass}"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb_device", ACTION=="remove", RUN+="/usr/share/virtualbox/ --remove $major $minor"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="remove", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", RUN+="/usr/share/virtualbox/ --remove $major $minor"

USB 2.0 is not detected or greyed out, however. Any thoughts on where to go from here?


[QUICK FIX] To followup–in case anyone else is stumped here–I tried all the solutions proposed here (including “new filter 1”), though none prevailed. That OP noted there must be a bug and resorted to reinstalling virtualbox from the binaries. I just downgraded to 4.1 from the repositories and this resolved the issue for me. Best wishes.