Distribution: OpenSUSE 13.1
Hello all.
I’m sorry if this post is a bit long winded, but I’ve got myself into a bit of a fix.
I perform Apper recommended updates fairly regularly and usually everything goes fine. On this occasion, after the download phase was over and apper was installing the updates, there was a power failure. My UPS kicked in and so I waited for Apper to complete the installation. Unfortunately there had been several power failures that day and the UPS battery must have got low. The UPS shutoff after a minute or so while the installations were in progress.
After the power came back on, I restarted Apper and clicked the update button. I got a message box saying that some files related to libpulse0 12.1 needed to be removed. I clicked OK - but this led to the error message that “cannot remove system protected files”. So I started YAST searched for libpulse0 files and updated them to the latest version libpulse0 20.1. Went back to Apper and tried again, but got the same message libpulse0 12.1 - needs to be removed - but cannot remove system protected files. This time I checked the error message detail. The detail was to the effect that the libpulse0 12.1 files did not exist. I went back to Yast and restored the libpulse0 files from v 20.1 back to v 12.1. After this the Apper removal worked fine, and the entire update that was interrupted by the power failure completed successfully.
So far so good. Meanwhile, however, three more updates were available via Apper. I though I might as well install them. One of these updates was for bash and bash-docs. When I tried to update, got the message: bash, bash-docs and readline-docs (all version 12.1) need to be removed. Clicking OK gave the error: “Cannot remove system protected files” with detail to the effect that the files did not exist. I decided to try the same procedure as above. Started YAST and searched for bash. There was no update available. So I just refreshed bash and bash-docs (updated them back to themselves). Went back to Apper and tried to complete the update - same error.
This is where I decided to get creative and stupid. I started YAST, went to bash and bash-docs - and downgraded them to the previous version (8.1). Yast happily downgraded them. This time when I went back to Apper, the Apper application itself refused to start and YAST refused to start also. I rebooted (more stupidity) and was unable to get to any kind of login.
As you may have gleaned, I’m relativley new to linux. I tend to only use the command line when there is absolutely no option so my facility with the command line is limited. Nevertheless if there is some set of instructions that can get me back to the login GUI, it would be nice.
Thank you.