I’m newbie on OpenSuse and I love to live with it for two weeks. I have a problem: I have some album on Google Music and I want to play it but fail. I’m using OpenSuse 13.1 and open webpage via Chromium. I install the OS by using the DVD I downloaded two weeks ago from opensuse.org. I also working in KDE environment. I’ve just updated the system (about 465 updates) last night.
Thanks for your reply. Any help is appreciate! With love.
Hoc Nguyen Triet from Vietnam.
I have no idea what google music is, but it seams you don’t have the packman repository or any of the restricted codecs installed (it’s a patent troll protection)
see the output of
**zypper lr -u
**if you don’t have packman add it
zypper ar -f http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/misc/packman/suse/openSUSE_13.1/ packman
Thank you very much, you’re so kind! I follow your advice (after dealing with guide in the chapter 13 in OpenSuse-guide.org: Add repository, Install something… but I cannot play music via web). And I click on the One click Install in the http://packman.links2linux.de/ and install (like what I did in the morning) but now my Firefox can play music at mp3.zing.vn, the Chromium cannot… My VLC still cannot play MP3 music.
he’s using chromium from the oss repo that one does not have ffmpeg support and does not use packman’s extra rpm’s, that’s why he needs to do a full vendor change to packman.
even if it’s html5 without packman proporly configured he won’t be able to play aac/mp3 audio.
it’s really not that difficult I prefer using it via yast, there’s even a picture here: https://en.opensuse.org/SDB:Vendor_change_update#Full_repository_Vendor_change
after you’ve added packman go to yast->software managment->reposetory view->select packman-> click on the blue link that sais switch system packages…
I love you wolfi323 <3, you’re my savior, I don’t know how did you know all of this, to me, this is so amazing! After installing chromium-ffmpeg and chromium-pepper-flash, my Chromium can play video and audio from mp3.zing.vn perfectly. I guest they use flash player, not like Youtube, I can play video on this site on Chromium normally. I’ll try to make my VLC works too
Again, he needs to replace chromium-ffmpegsumo (from the standard OSS repo) with chromium-ffmpeg (from Packman).
And this will not be installed automatically even if he does a full vendor switch to Packman.
even if it’s html5 without packman proporly configured he won’t be able to play aac/mp3 audio.
He will, if he installs chromium-ffmpeg from Packman.
And that only applies to HTML5.
For Flash, you need a flash plugin (chromium-pepper-flash), chromium-ffmpeg has no influence there.
it’s really not that difficult I prefer using it via yast, there’s even a picture here: SDB:Vendor change update - openSUSE Wiki
after you’ve added packman go to yast->software managment->reposetory view->select packman-> click on the blue link that sais switch system packages…
Again, he needs to replace chromium-ffmpegsumo (from the standard OSS repo) with chromium-ffmpeg (from Packman).
And this will not be installed automatically even if he does a full vendor switch to Packman.
if he does a vendor change for packman’s chromium build the oss chromium-ffmpegsumo will be replaced with the working chromium-ffmpeg.
or he could install chromium-ffmpeg from packman.
I’m fairly certain that packman’s chromium will pull chromium-pepper-flash from packman too
I don’t think the non-oss repo carries google’s pepper-flash only the old npapi flash.
the simplest thing to do is add packman from yast repo management and then do a vendor switch to packman via yast software management.
But it will be installed automatically if you install freshplayer-plugin, because that requires it.
And freshplayer-plugin might be installed automatically, as it provides flash-player.
I don’t think the non-oss repo carries google’s pepper-flash only the old npapi flash.
That’s correct. chromium-pepper-flash is only available on Packman.
That’s why I wrote in my first reply that he should install chromium-pepper-flash from Packman.
the simplest thing to do is add packman from yast repo management and then do a vendor switch to packman via yast software management.
you’re right
so here’s a simple copy paste for a working chromium (assuming he’s added packman)
sudo zypper in chromium-ffmpeg chromium-pepper-flash
he might get a warning that chromium-ffmpeg conflicts with chromium-ffmpegsumo and a choice what to do, he should chose replace.
I’m not really sure as I don’t use chromium but I believe google opensourced the chromium pdf viewer and that is no longer a shared object (separate package) but part of chromium.