I have a problem i have not been able to solve; I run opensuse 11.1 64 bit with KDE, and I have never been able to get the CD player working.
Either it does not load, or once in awhile it also shows a message saying something like “cd player not configured”, - which is odd because Suse is able to use it for installing additional programs and such from the Suse Dvd. I am also quite new in this, my first Opensuse distribution is the current.
I was sure KsCD was installed, nevertheless I did it again using Yast. And it was installed.
Then I did the next thing you suggested; put in a cd.
It does not get any Dolphin alert, so I opened KsCD which I could today (other times the application simply does not load)
Then I tried to play the cd but it wouldnt, However it could read the name etc. of the cd.
I just tried K3b, havent tried the program before since the player wasnt working; - I could open k3b, but K3b came with this message…
Plugin for MP3-lydafkodning ikke fundet.
K3b kunne ikke indlæse eller finde pluginnet for MP3-kodning. Det betyder at du ikke vil kunne oprette lyd-cd’er ud fra MP3-filer. Mange distributioner af Linux inkluderer ikke understøttelse for MP3 af juridiske grunde.
Løsning: Installér MP3-kodningsbiblioteket MAD samt pluginnet for MP3-kodning i K3b (det sidste er måske allerede installeret, men virker ikke på grund af at libmad mangler). Visse distributioner tillader at MP3-understøttelse installeres via et direkte opdateringsværktøj (f.eks. SuSE’s YOU).
… in english that translates to
“…Plugin for mp3 sound codes not found
K3b could not read or find the plug-in for mp3 coding. This means you cannot make mp3s from …”
Another thing is that i can use Amarok and play mp3 files.
Now the paper you sent me a link to, no i was not aware of that; - reading it now I can see I should try to install these things maybe. Now if I click on the links, as example Oss: Index of /distribution/11.1/repo/oss
then i get to a lot of different files… which do i choose to install?
Yes i will slowdown, you are right, and that is best I also think.
I will also because I have to put it aside now for a few days…
I am packing my stuff; - going for work in the province tomorrow morning at five, - and since it is now ten o clock evening, I won’t get much done now. But i will be back sunday evening and look at it.
So if you will be patient, I’ll be back.
But let me ask a few initial questions having looked at your last bit.
1)When i add a repository to yast, what i add is a place it will/can look for software… Is that correct?
2)If I add a repository to Yast, can i sagely and easily – relatively, remove it afterwards?
3)Let us say I wanted to add the repository ”http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/11.1/repo/oss/"
I would do that by opening yast, choosing softwaresources, and then add.
Now i get a box with two lines (having chosen url in the box before) first line i gice any name i like, in the second i write Index of /distribution/11.1/repo/oss
and click OK
with that added i can choose any packages in it? (but those packages contains Opensuse 11.0
distros, right? So I do not need that now?)
Did I get that right?
So in my situation now, exactly which repositories do I need to solve my cd problem…?
Ps and this Dane is quite glad to have found some help, - and am hopeful!
to point 3
add by url
copy and paste the url into the url section
NAME= Any Name you understand to Match what you are adding - eg OSS for what you quoted above.
Its a long time ago and in the mean time I have enjoyed using Suse, However I actually never solved my problem about playing cds, ripping, or watching video files.
Maybe you can still help. I had thopught to get this right before trying to install 11.2
You asked in the end that I do this; type zypper lr in terminal
which I did…
peter@1503022938:~/Documents> zypper lr
| Alias | Navn | Aktiveret | Genopfrisk
1 | Packman | Packman | Ja | Ja
2 | VLC | VLC | Ja | Ja
3 | openSUSE 11.1-0 | openSUSE 11.1-0 | Ja | Nej
4 | repo-debug | openSUSE-11.1-Debug | Nej | Ja
5 | repo-non-oss | openSUSE-11.1-Non-Oss | Ja | Ja
6 | repo-oss | openSUSE-11.1-Oss | Ja | Ja
7 | repo-source | openSUSE-11.1-Source | Nej | Ja
8 | repo-update | openSUSE-11.1-Update | Ja | Ja
It’s simple. If you have Packman and the VideoLan (VLC) repositories installed then start the Software Management (Software Installieren oder Löschen). Use the search function to find and install the following:
Win32 codecs
Libxine Codecs
You need those packages for multimedia stuff.
I would also advise you to update to openSuse 11.2 and the latest stable version of KDE 4.
After that you can use just about any Multimedia Player to play your CD.
| Alias | Navn | Aktiveret | Genopfrisk | Prioritet | Type | URI | Tjeneste
1 | Packman | Packman | Ja | Ja | 99 | rpm-md | Index of /suse/11.2 |
2 | VLC | VLC | Ja | Ja | 99 | rpm-md | Index of /pub/vlc/SuSE/11.1/ |
3 | openSUSE 11.1-0 | openSUSE 11.1-0 | Ja | Nej | 99 | yast2 | cd:///?devices=/dev/sr0 |
4 | repo-debug | openSUSE-11.1-Debug | Nej | Ja | 100 | NONE | Index of /debug/distribution/11.1/repo/oss |
5 | repo-non-oss | openSUSE-11.1-Non-Oss | Ja | Ja | 100 | yast2 | Index of /distribution/11.1/repo/non-oss |
6 | repo-oss | openSUSE-11.1-Oss | Ja | Ja | 100 | yast2 | Index of /distribution/11.1/repo/oss |
7 | repo-source | openSUSE-11.1-Source | Nej | Ja | 100 | NONE | Index of /source/distribution/11.1/repo/oss |
8 | repo-update | openSUSE-11.1-Update | Ja | Ja | 20 | rpm-md | Index of /update/11.1 |
I will install 11.2, Iĺl be back when that is done…
To ebverybody else;
Yes I use KDE
to Culture 1; I did actually put in packman and vlc in yast.
Now I tried to install, but it claims there is a problem about Libxine Codecs, something about x86_64.
Will do. But one small thing, Now this is the first time i install a newer opensuse to replace an old. I have windows xp as well, as two harddisks.
One is used for windoews and linux, the other for back up.
I want to keep windows. Is it best to do a new install or to update.?
Will the installation automatically install where the old opensuse was installed or…?
A new install.
You can keep /home if you want but you will be forced to use ext3, where 11.2 uses ext4. If you can backup and format / and /home great.
Use custom partitioning
Video here: Custom Install.mpeg.rar - Windows Live
Good answer, I understand. But to clarify; I made a copy of Documents, but not /home or /.
If I copy that aswell, can i then later copy it back (to replace the newly installed / and /home)and use it?
What do you mean by formatting, you mean the overwrite the old / and /home, - since the installation will do that?
“Video here: Custom Install.mpeg.rar - Windows Live” I can install that in linux?