cannot login to cinnamon


I am running 13.1 and wanted to try cinnamon.

from factory I installed 2.014. the installation went fine. I logged out to go n into cinnamon. firstly I chose ’ cinnamon ’ it left the sign on screen and appeared to start to load but then quickly returned me to the login.

so I tried the alternative option ’ cinnamon software tendering ’ this resulted in the same outcome.

at no time did I receive an error. it just doesn’t work. unsure without an error how to tall down the fault.

it’s there a fix to get cinnamon working?

How exactly did you install cinnamon and which packages?
Maybe you’re missing some important package?

Have a look in the file ~/.xsession-errors or ~/.xsession-errors-:0, they should provide a clue what’s wrong.

Let me not that using factory can be dangerous since many unstable packages may be in it. I believe thee are safer repos to get cinnamon from. You can seriously damage your system if you pull updates from factory so never leave that repo active.

You can get it here

always get the version for your OS version.

I guess with “factory” he meant the “X11:Cinnamon:Factory” repo for 13.1… :wink:
Cinnamon is not included in openSUSE Factory.

yes that’s the repo I got it from. the only notable change was that the installation removed a modified python -pillow.

OK, but which packages did you install?
“cinnamon” alone is not enough I think.

Have a look which other packages there are in YaST->Software Management->View->Repositories.
I don’t know what you would need exactly, but at least “cinnamon-session” I think.

And as I already wrote, ~/.xsession-errors* should tell you why it is not starting.

Got it sorted, but my .xsession-errors was empty.

Installing cinnamon made a mess it was a one click install from software-opensuse. It didn’t install cinnamon-session which was needed either.

However after installing and rebooting on attempting to login I could not login to any session. Went CTRL-ALT-F1 attempted to lauch startkde and startx but neither worked, startkde returned
$DSIPLAY not set, and startx fatal server error.

I went into yast ncurses and used /etc/sysconf editor and set displaymanager to kdm4 but still nothing, every time at login it would flash and return me to login.

I really don’t think this is a real solution but I installed lighdm and rebooted and then was able to login to both cinnamon and kde. That seems a real odd solution but its the only thing that worked.

Then have a look at .xsession-errors-:0 as I told you.

Installing cinnamon made a mess it was a one click install from software-opensuse. It didn’t install cinnamon-session which was needed either.

Well, when you click on a 1-click install for the “cinnamon” package, only the “cinnamon” package and it’s requirements are installed, of course.
If you think the “cinnamon” package misses requirements, please file a bug report.

However after installing and rebooting on attempting to login I could not login to any session. Went CTRL-ALT-F1 attempted to lauch startkde and startx but neither worked, startkde returned
$DSIPLAY not set, and startx fatal server error.

“startx” doesn’t work as user because of permission issues.

And again, .xsession-errors-:0 should give a clue to what’s wrong.

OTOH, it’s no problem to use a different login manager.

I’m having the same issue, but at least I’m able to log back into my KDE session.

my .xsession-errors only has info about my current session of course, and nothing about the cinnamon attempt.

Make sure you install cinnamon-session, and try installing lightdm. that did the trick for me.

Yeah, that was it. cinnamon-session was not installed; and I had to install muffin as well. Then I was in like Flynn.


flebber wrote:
> hi
> I am running 13.1 and wanted to try cinnamon.
> from factory I installed 2.014. the installation went fine. I logged out
> to go n into cinnamon. firstly I chose ’ cinnamon ’ it left the sign on
> screen and appeared to start to load but then quickly returned me to the
> login.
> so I tried the alternative option ’ cinnamon software tendering ’ this
> resulted in the same outcome.
> at no time did I receive an error. it just doesn’t work. unsure without
> an error how to tall down the fault.
> it’s there a fix to get cinnamon working?
you can also try classic gnome

Install gnome-shell-classic and activate all the extensions using
activities ==> gnome tweak tool. Good old gnome desktop

sudo zypper in gnome-shell-classic


GNOME 3.10.1
openSUSE 13.1 (Bottle) (x86_64) 64-bit
Kernel Linux 3.11.6-4-desktop
Where are my penguins :-