Cannot log in to my opensuse forum account on another computer

On my standby Leap 15.5 system I cannot log in using Firefox browser.
(Neither by the way can I log into chatgpt on any machine.)

On the problem machine the Browser addon for KeepassXC which is my preferred password manager does not show an icon either.

I have cleared the browser cache re-installed and tried all the usual measures but all this is a nightmare as I have come back from a short holiday and almost nothing is working.

My priority is to get my opensuse system on my backup office machine working correctly. I have updated using sudo zypper up and rebooted and everything seems normal until I get to logging in.

I have exited KeepassXC altogether and tried logging in manually and still no joy. What to try next?

I have cleared the cache on Firefox,

For all your words, you didn’t tell us much. Are you getting the login dialogue? When you enter your credentials are you getting ‘Authentication failed’? Something else?

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Hi Dean,
OK, I have problems on all my machines but first example is this morning when I tried to log in on this TW machine to reply to you, my KeepassXC offered two login names, both the same. I tried to log in and and was left with the same log in screen but no response, ie not taken to the forum message. I closed the tab and started again with your email and tried again, still no switch to forum but then going to the forum tag I find I am logged in.

The second machine is a Leap 15.5 machine and on that the KeepassXC browser icon does not appear and if I enter my login details manually I am returned to the login screen and the banner at the top tells me wants to use my account credentials which I have entered and KeepassXC banner tells me to enter New which I can do but I am then returned to the login screen.

If you disable the extension, can you login manually without issue? This might needs others familiar with using it to chime in.

Is the extension connected to a database?

Just in case this is of value to you…

Hi Dean,
The Troubleshooting guide is helpful but I have still not solved my problem.
I have deleted the json file in the ~/.mozilla directory, removed KeepassXC add-on for my Firefox browser, cleared the browser and rebooted a couple of times. When I go to the forum website however and try and log in using my normal login it does not work, all I get is a banner at the top with wants to use your openSUSE Account credentials

I enter them but it just clears the pw I entered.

I suppose it is a Firefox issue as I do not have KeepssXC browser addon installed. Of course this may all be dues to residue in cache but I do not have the same settings screen as I am used to and could only clear data. I tried Chromium Browser bu same issue. BTW the problem is only on one machine and I have no trouble logging into this forum with my TW laptop.
Also strange is that after I have logged out on my laptop and try and log in again I get a 500 error but I then find I am logged in again when I go back
Any idea what is going on?

Are you pressing the ‘Log in’ button (or Enter key) after providing password?

You can choose to clear the history, selecting the cookies, cache etc as you desire…

Then you’ve already demonstrated not a firefox-specific problem. I can’t replicate the issue as you describe it, so can’t really comment further.

@Budgie2 Are you sure that you’re using your username and not email address - I spent far too much time not reading the login form (and my password manager was auto-filling my email address)!

Hi and many thanks for your reply. Great to know you are in the community and for taking an interest in my problem.
Regarding your suggestion I understand and have had issues with auto-filling on occasions but not on this occasion. I have used best endeavours to prevent this having cleared everything in my browser, removed the password manager browser add-on, re-booted and entered my username and pw manually but whatever I do I still get the same problem.

However I have been going through my opensuse forum pw login details on my pw manager and it seems that an older and superseded pw existed and somehow is still recognised by the Ipsilon software used by openSUSE Login. For some reason it still remembers my previous authentication.

I have removed the old entry completely from my pw manager and will see how I get on but I have been using the same pw database and the new pw has worked correctly on all my other machines. Strange.

Thanks again,

Ok, so sorted now right?

Hi Dean,
Not quite. I can see that the problem is associated with KeepassXC, my pw manager which has been behaving inconsistently recently so will start a new thread when I have done more housekeeping but the bottom line is I have only been able to log in here on my backup machine after resetting the password.
Many thanks for your help.


You are telling that you use KeePassXC. So, I have this idea:

I use KeePassXC, too. I don’t use the browser add-on, but I use the built-in Auto-Type function whereever possible. Recently, I had one site where it didn’t work. But logging in explicitly manually did work properly. I checked the corresponding password. It consisted of several special characters. Some of them are due to cause problems on Auto-Type (operating system in the back and keyboard layout and language settings…). So, I changed this password to consist only on lowercase letters (a-z), uppercase letters (A-Z) and digits (0-9). When I have the need to enter special characters because a server asks for it, I now use only: -_~ (only these three characters that are supposed to be harmless — there are quite a few special characters that could be harmful due to local operating system or server).

Maybe try this.

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