Cannot launch luckyBackup as root


After I installed luckyBackup, two icons were added to the ‘More applications’ window. The first one launches luckyBackup and works fine. The second one is called ‘luckyBackup (super user mode’ and is supposed to launch luckyBackup with root privileges. However nothing happens when I click on it. I see that the associated command is ‘su-to-root -X -c /usr/bin/luckyBackup’. Typing that command in a shell results in an error as su-to-root does not exist.

So… is this syntax (‘su-to-root -X -c /usr/bin/luckyBackup’) supposed to work, or shall I edit it (how?) in order to be able to launch the application as root?

By using Google I found: Ubuntu Manpage: su-to-root - A simple script to give an ‘interactive’ front-end to su.
Apperently it is an Ubuntu based tool.

You could try to change the command to:

kdesu /usr/bin/luckyBackup

when using KDE or the Gnome equivalente (i think it is gnomesu).

(i think it is gnomesu).

I’m am not quite sure myself, but isn’t it actually ‘gksu’?

Since he’s using a KDE-frontend for rsync, I suppose he’s using KDE anyway.

Problem solved :slight_smile: using the following command

gnomesu -c /usr/bin/luckybackup

I guess the luckyBackup installer is more or less hardcoded for Ubuntu.


You are welcome. Working together solves a lot of small problems.