error: Failed dependencies:
dbus-libs is needed by mullvad-vpn-2019.7.0-1.x86_64
libnotify is needed by mullvad-vpn-2019.7.0-1.x86_64
libnsl is needed by mullvad-vpn-2019.7.0-1.x86_64
I see libnotify and libnsl are installed in yast but still showing failed dependencies and nothing comes up for dbus. Do I just ignore the warning and install anyway?
Hard to say for sure, but you can choose to ignore and see if it works.
When installing a Fedora package on TW,
The problem is perhaps more likely that that the package or file version is not supported because TW uses very recent releases… the package naming convention is usually similar.
But, there can be more issues related to how the software is written…
If it’s written well using relative paths, then files will be discovered easily on both Feoora and openSUSE, but if fixed paths are used, then that will break the app.
Bottom line,
Without details it’s not possible to do more than speculate but in the end unless it’s a very simple app, it’s likely not worth tracking down any problem… it’s likely better to just let the app Developers know and let them fix their own problems.