Frankly, I don’t understand what additionally I should specify in my module to make it work. When I tried another distributives (for example ubuntu), everything worked fine.
Any ideas what I do wrong and how to fix this?
Thanks a lot!
No, I’ve just use the vagrant box as it is without any additional configuration. Btw, I’ve tried to use Leap-15.2 ( Vagrant box opensuse/Leap-15.2.x86_64 - Vagrant Cloud ) and everything runs smooth with it.
Leap works, most probably, because it has older kernel (5.3.18-lp152.72-default ) and don’t have that patch on board.
I’m just trying to insert a very simple kernel module. There is no any interactions with filesystems. Or you mean that the system cannot read my .ko file since it’s located on a filesystem that doesn’t support read iterators? Hmm, I’ll check this. Thanks!
Thank you very much! Indeed, virtualbox uses its own fs - vboxsf and most probably it’s not yet updated to follow new rules. I’ve copied my .ko file to /var/tmp folder and insmod successfully loaded the module!